,Restrictions on Purely Kinetic K-Essence

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:susili
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We restrict purely kinetic k-essence.Assuming that the equation of state is a power law of the kinetic energy,i.e.ω =ω0Xα,we find that α must be positive to obtain accelerated phases,constrained from the conditions for stability and causality.In this case the k-essence behaves like a phantom.We also study the evolutions of the equation of state and the speed of sound with numerical simulations.In the last decade a convergence of independent cosmological observations have suggested that the Universe is experiencing accelerated expansion.An unknown energy component,dubbed as dark energy,has been proposed to explain this acceleration.
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核心素养指的是学生学习技能、知识以及情感态度的综合,包括学生在逻辑思维、实践能力、创新能力以及问题解决能力等多方面的共同发展。新课改要求小学数学教师在教学中能够加强对学生核心素养的重视,利用学科教学培养学生的核心素养。  视角一:对知识的把握  核心素养中强调学生对知识和技能的掌握,其中知识是技能形成的基础,因此要保证学生的核心素养,要求教师加强对知识教学的重视,学生加强对知识的把握。  例如,在
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