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在台湾彰化市区市仔尾,一座名为“和园”的大楼拔地而起。去年5月28日,这座大楼十层鲜花簇拥,笑语喧哗。医生兼歌唱家郑智仁用低沉雄浑的声音演唱了一首名为《走街仔仙》的歌曲。台湾文坛耆宿叶石涛等名流剪开了一条红色彩带,宣告“台湾近代文学之父”赖和先生的纪念馆新馆正式落成。我访台时,在台湾知名散文家石德华的陪同下,有幸参观了这一新建的文化设施。 作为一个来自大陆的鲁迅研究者,我之所以对这个纪念馆怀有浓厚的兴趣,是因为赖和享有“台湾的鲁迅”的盛誉。他们创作的数量都不算多,但却始终坚持了反帝反封建的政治方向,采用现实主义的创作方法唤起人的自主意识与存在自觉,发出了卑 In Changhua City, Taiwan City Tsai Tsai Mei, a named “and Park” building whereabouts. May 28 last year, the building surrounded by flowers on the tenth floor, laughing noise. Zheng Zhiren, a doctor and singer, sang a song titled “Walking the Street Aberdeen” in a low, vigorous voice. Taiwan literary retiree Ye Shitao and other celebrities cut a red ribbon, proclaimed “Taiwan’s father of modern literature,” Lai and Mr. Memorial Hall was officially completed. Accompanied by Shi Taihua, a well-known essayist in Taiwan, I was fortunate enough to visit this newly built cultural facility during my visit to Taiwan. As a Lu Xun researcher from the mainland, I am very interested in this memorial because Lai and enjoys the reputation of “Taiwan’s Lu Xun.” They did not count the number of creations, but they always insisted on the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal political direction. They used realistic creation methods to arouse people’s self-awareness and self-awareness,
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人间之苦,就为了支持妹妹圆那一个遥远的大学梦……刘文林蹲过监狱,卖过血,拖着脓血不止的下肢,吃尽 1985年9月,刘文林16岁的妹妹从山旮旯一举中榜,考入资阳市重点中学。生
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