
来源 :水利管理技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccx1942
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截至目前,小浪底工程各项目的进度均满足网络计划要求,有些工程还大大超前。截流成功后,1997年11月2日开始基坑抽水,11月12日结束;从11月4日起,在长650m、宽150m的基坑里,8个作业面同时开始了基坑开挖施工,至11月29日,开挖工作比原计划提前92d结束,完成开挖量达50余万m~3;在填筑物料25万m~3后,11月19日上游枯水围堰达到计划要求的152.50m高程, Up to now, the progress of each project of Xiaolangdi Project has met the requirements of network planning and some projects have also greatly advanced. After the river closure was successful, the excavation of foundation pit began on November 2, 1997 and ended on November 12; starting from November 4, in the foundation pit of 650m in length and 150m in width, excavation of foundation pit started at the same time Construction, to November 29, the excavation work than the original plan 92d early end to complete the excavation of more than 50 million m ~ 3; filling material 250,000 m ~ 3, November 19 upstream dry cofferdam To reach the planned elevation of 152.50m,
国际田联自2003年1月1日起正式承认公路赛创造的最好成绩为世界最好成绩。申报为世界最好成绩需符合国际田联规定的8项技术要求,如:比赛路线需根据国际田联的规定测量准 IA
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