
来源 :中国实用眼科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leighttt
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目的 :探讨严重眼外伤术后视力的恢复。方法 :选择 2 0例 (2 0眼 )严重眼外伤 (玻璃体混浊、视网膜脱离、眼内异物、外伤白内障等 )的病例 ,在玻璃体切除晶状体咬切术后 ,眼压正常、无视网膜脱离、矫正视力满意者 ,在眼内灌注下行Ⅱ期人工晶体缝襻固定术。随诊 2~ 18月。结果 :裸眼视力 >0 5以上者 6例 ,0 3~ 0 5者 10例 ,0 1~ 0 3例者 3例 ,<0 1者 1例 ,术后视力与Ⅱ期人工晶体植入术前最佳矫正视力比较差异无显著性 (P >0 0 5 ) ,术中、术后无明显的并发症发生 ,眼压正常。结论 :在合并玻璃体混浊、视网膜脱离、眼内异物、外伤白内障等严重眼外伤病例 ,行玻璃体切除晶状体咬切术 ,术后待眼部情况稳定后 ,在眼内灌注下行Ⅱ期人工晶体植入是较理想的治疗方法 ,但仍要严格掌握适应证 Objective: To investigate the recovery of visual acuity after severe ocular trauma. Methods: Twenty cases (20 eyes) of severe ocular trauma (vitreous opacity, retinal detachment, intraocular foreign body, traumatic cataract, etc.) were selected. After intraocular lenotomy, the intraocular pressure was normal, without retinal detachment and correction Visual acuity, intraocular perfusion in the second phase IOL suture fixation. Follow-up from 2 to 18 months. Results: There were 6 cases with uncorrected visual acuity> 0 5, 10 cases 0 3 ~ 0 5, 3 cases 0 1 ~ 0 3, 1 case <0 1, postoperative visual acuity and stage Ⅱ intraocular lens implantation The best corrected visual acuity was no significant difference (P> 0.05), intraoperative and postoperative no significant complications, normal IOP. Conclusions: Vitrectomy and lensectomy were performed in patients with severe traumatic ocular trauma complicated with vitreous opacity, retinal detachment, intraocular foreign body and traumatic cataract. After intraocular lens implantation, intraocular perfusion of intraocular lens implantation Is the ideal treatment, but still have to strictly control indications
2016年是长征胜利的第80个年头了。为了怀念中国工农红军在两万五千里长征中光荣牺牲的革命先烈们,我特意观看了革命历史题材巨片《长征》。  《长征》这部电视剧主要讲述了1934年秋红军在第五次反围剿失败后无奈进行战略大转移。在湘江之战中由于博古、李德的错误指挥,红军虽成功突破了国民党军队四道防线的层层封锁成功渡过湘江。但是红军由原本的八万人减员到三万人。  不过,在以毛主席为首的数位领导人坚持下改
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