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一年一度的高考结束了,但考生们和家长们的心还没有放下来,他们还不放心什么呢?报志愿。成长大学作为世界一流的学府,自然备受瞩目。成长大学领导经过研究,为培养新世纪的人才,把原有的系重新分为七个系,即:健康系、美貌系、诚 The annual college entrance examination is over, but the hearts of candidates and parents have not yet been put down. They do not worry about what? As a world-class university, Grow-up University naturally attracts attention. After studying the leadership of the growing university, in order to cultivate the talents of the new century, the original department was reclassified into seven departments, namely: Health Department, Beauty Department, and Honesty.
4.Meteors(陨星)are heated by friction(摩擦)as they pass through the atmosphere This one makes sense(有道理),which iswhy it’s so pernicious(有害的).But it’s s
第 卷 (选择题 共 75分 )一、在下列各题的四个选项中 ,只有一项是最符合题意的。每小题 2分 ,共 48分。1. 2 0 0 2年 5月 15日 ,江泽民同志在纪念中国共产主义青年团成立
洗澡沐浴分秒计,节水意识大加强。计时洗澡在某些高校正逐渐推广开来…… In the US and Britain,the slogan(口号,标语) around colleges was “Save water, showerwith a
Mr and Mrs Brown were going abroad fortheir holiday.Thev_1_a dog called Blakewhich they were very_2_of, but they couldnot take him_3_with them, so they lookedf
Harrison believes there is a fundamental error inTipler’s biological model of the expansion of intelligentlife.“It assumes that extraterrestrials share the m
*例1 得分率:49.8% 错因:心理游泳时用手和脚向后划水,人就能前进.那么人体前进的推进力来自于.*错因点评:不少学生凭主观经验,不作深入分析,错误地认为是人对水的作用.*