兴学习之风 创建学习型武装部

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近年来,重庆 市开县人武部的理 论学习根据警备区 政治部的部署较好 地解决了学起来的 问题。标志之一,就 是学习制度得到了 落实,时间有保证, 人员易集中,学习内容实。这样一个好局面的形成,既是党委高度重视,不断加大工作力度的结果,也是从人武部门的实际出发,建立健全学习制度的结果。 学起来首先是要重视起来。人武部党委首先制定了《建设学习型人武部的意见》,成立了部长、政委负总责的学习指导小组,始终坚持把增强各级干部在理论学习上的紧迫感和责任感,作为引深学习的 In recent years, the theoretical study of the Kaifeng People’s Armed Police Department in Chongqing has solved the problem of learning well according to the deployment of the Political Department of the garrison area. One of the signs is that the learning system has been implemented, the time is guaranteed, the staff is easy to concentrate and the content of learning is real. The formation of such a good situation is not only the result of the Party committee attaching great importance to and continuously increasing its efforts, but also the result of establishing and perfecting the learning system based on the reality of the armed forces departments. The first is to learn to pay attention to it. The party committee of the People’s Military Forces first formulated the Opinions on Building a Learning Armed Forces Department and set up a learning steering group with the overall responsibility of the minister and political commissar. It always insisted on deepening the sense of urgency and sense of responsibility in theoretical study at all levels of cadres as deepening learning of
我国将继续坚持积极合理有效利用外资的方针。为此,我国将继续积极引入外资,使我国吸收外商投资规模和水平居发展中国家 China will continue to adhere to the principle
各市、州、县人民政府,省政府各委办厅局、各直属机构:省科委《关于加快我省技术市场建设的意见》已经省政府同意,现转发给你们,请认真贯彻落实。 People’s governments o