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1、约公元前22世纪大禹治水成功,以疏导为主。2、公元前602年历史记载中的黄河第一次大改道。3、公元前457-前221年齐、赵、魏诸侯国分别修筑黄河下游两岸堤防。4、约公元前250-前217年秦国令各县及时上报旱涝风雨,是中国最早的上报雨情灾情制度。5、公元前168年黄河在今延津县境决口,南入淮、泗,是有确切记载的最早决堤。6、公元前132年黄河在瓠子(今濮阳西南)决口东南入淮洒。7、公元前29年黄河决口淹4郡32县,次年河堤使者王延世以竹笼装石立堵法堵口。8、公元前7年贾让上治(黄)河三策。9、公元4年张戎指出黄河水一石而泥六斗,主张 1, circa 22 BC Dayu flood control success, mainly to ease. 2, 602 BC historical records of the Yellow River for the first time a major diversion. 3, BC 457 - 221 years ago Qi, Zhao, Wei princes were built on both sides of the Yellow River embankment. 4, about 250 BC-217 BC Qin County ordered the timely reporting of droughts and floods, is China’s earliest reported rain disaster system. 5, 168 BC Yellow River in this Yanjin county burst mouth, south Huai, Si, is the earliest record of the earliest burst. 6, 132 BC Yellow River in Bangzi (now Puyang Southwest) burst into the southeast of Huai sprinkling. 7, 29 BC, the Yellow River burst submerged 4 counties 32 counties, the following year embankment messenger Wang Yanshi bamboo cages mounted stone plug blocking. 8, 7 BC Jia Jerry (Yellow) River three policy. 9, AD 4 years Zhang Rong pointed out that the Yellow River water and mud six dozen, advocate
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