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我国自70年代末开始进行现代生物技术的研究与开发,经过15年的发展,医药卫生、农林牧渔等领域特别是农作物育种和基因工程制药方面都已取得重要进展。在基因工程技术和细胞基因工程技术方面的研究水平与国外先进水平相比差距已不大,中下游技术有了很大的进展,中试基地建设为产业化打下基础,大中型制药企业已开始投入,产学研结合的模式已开始运作,生物技术药品开始产业化。据有关部门披露,目前α、γ干扰素、乙肝疫苗、促红细胞生长素、环孢菌素等已步入产业化阶段。上海、长春、沈阳、北京、成都等地的一批研究和生产生物技术产品的骨干企业迅速崛起,并在生物技术生产的厂房设计、工程实施、生产工艺、质量控制、经营管理等方面积累了经验。据统计,1995年全国生物技术产品的产值在5亿元以上,到本 China has been conducting research and development of modern biotechnology since the late 1970s. After 15 years of development, significant progress has been made in medical and health, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, especially in crop breeding and genetic engineering and pharmaceuticals. The gap between the level of research in genetic engineering technology and cell genetic engineering technology is not large compared with the advanced level in foreign countries. The technology in the middle and lower reaches has made great progress. The construction of pilot bases lays the foundation for industrialization, and large and medium-sized pharmaceutical companies have begun to Investment, the model of integration of production, education and research has begun to operate, and biotechnology medicines have begun to be industrialized. According to relevant departments, the current α, γ interferon, hepatitis B vaccine, erythropoietin, cyclosporine, etc. have entered the stage of industrialization. A group of key enterprises engaged in the research and production of biotechnology products in Shanghai, Changchun, Shenyang, Beijing, and Chengdu have rapidly emerged, and have accumulated experience in plant design, engineering implementation, production technology, quality control, and operation management of biotechnology production. experience. According to statistics, in 1995, the output value of national biotechnology products was over 500 million yuan.
在硅谷,人们嘲笑HP的企业文化,不过,HP的对手们可不认为这些笑话有那么可笑。 最近,美国《福布斯》杂志的编辑们从1309家本年度上榜美国公司中选出了12家业绩最突出的大企业
据《化学市场报导》,DuPont公司专用化学品分部正在对六氟丙酮的生产进行扩建,生产能力将由100t/a增加到200t/a。预计新增生产能力将于1998年上半年投入生产。 According t
建立了带启动费用与维持费用的多产品动态批量问题模型,讨论了最优解的存在性及其特征,提出有效地解决此问题的分枝定界法 A multi-product dynamic batch problem model with
在我的印象中,汽车是美国的“主宰”。 到过美国的人,谈得最多的是汽车。生活在美国的人,总爱说:“离开了汽车就无法生活。”所以,在人们的概念中,汽车是美国“现代化”情结
日本长谷川香料公司材成羟苄基烷墓醚(R=C_(1-1)烷基)用于掩蔽烟叶的臭味,作烟用香精的改良剂获得成功。 Hokugawa Aromatic Co., Ltd. of Japan uses hydroxybenzyl alkyl