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  On December 30, Chinese pop singer Faye Wong held a concert in Shanghai. This, in itself, is not news, but the fact that the minimum price of a ticket was 1,800 RMB ($259 USD) was sufficient to outrage Wong’s legion of fans. The tickets came in three price tiers, ranging from 1,800 RMB to 5,800 RMB and 7,800 RMB.To make matters worse, tickets at that obscenely high price sold out within the space of just 32 seconds from the official website, with scalpers and secondary agents buying them up and reselling those basic 1,800 RMB tickets for between 3,000 and 5,000 RMB. In an already outraged atmosphere, an industry insider by the name of Yang Yue claimed that there had been more dirty, diabolical, no good deeds: the official website had released just 800 tickets at an 8,000-seat venue in a naked effort to inflate prices.
A gloomy 90s-set serial killer thriller proves a haunting portrait of a society in turmoil  那場暴雪中的小人物与大时代  T  he 1990s has increasingly become the favorite era of a new generation of Chinese filmmaker
A musician went  looking for Xiamen—  and found herself (and a puppy)  尋觅鼓浪屿:为音乐驻足,为缘分停留  I  had always imagined myself, as a half-Chinese woman born in Hong Kong, arriving in China for the first time
The chatter of the online gaming community has become part of popular Chinese culture  人生犹如一场游戏,稳住,  别浪,我们能赢!  C  hina is already one of the world’s largest and most rapidly growing online gaming mark
A toxic cocktail of social and political factors keep harassment discussions from gaining traction  為“性骚扰”发声,  为什么这么难?  I  n October, 2017, Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein was exposed as a sexual
The seniors’ dance market is a potential gold mine for tech entrepreneurs—but pensioners won’t easily part with their pennies  廣场舞APP,大妈们会买单吗?  T  hey’re either health-conscious seniors or public nuis
中国校服百年进化史  It’s not unusual to hear complaints about the state of school uniforms. In 2015 China Daily remarked that Chinese netizens felt their uniforms “could claim the global crown” in ugliness.  T
WITH WOLF WARRIOR 2 AT THE OSCARS, REMEMBERING WHEN RAMBO WAS ALL THE RAGE IN CHINA  On March 4—sex scandals notwithstanding—Hollywood’s elite will assemble at Hollywood’s Dolby Theater for the 90th A
After a shocking kidnapping case, a united LGBT community fights “conversion therapy”  雖然“同性恋并非精神疾病”越来越成为社会常识,  但这一特殊的群体的维权道路仍非坦途  It was early February, 2014, shortly after Spring Festival, when Yanz
How a Beijing electronics market became the cradle of China’s tech revolution  從低端电子产品市场到真正的创新中心,  号称“中国硅谷”的中关村经历了什么?  I  t’s evening in one of the last cheap electronics malls in Zhongguancun, just n
He Ziming is what you’d term a “minor celebrity,” known for acting in a few moderately successful TV shows. Together with his fellow minor-celebrity wife He Jie, who became popular in the nationally t