Characteristics and generations of internal wave in the Sulu Sea inferred from optical satellite ima

来源 :海洋湖沼学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanxingyi
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Characteristics and generation of intal waves (IWs) in the Sulu Sea are studied using Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) images taken from October 2016 to September 2019. Satellite observations show that IWs in the Sulu Sea mainly located in the shallower west areas with occasional observations in the deeper east regions. The dominant length of wave crest (LWC) of IWs is between 50 and 150 km with the largest LWC reaching over 300 km. The analysis of temporal distributions of IWs shows that March has the most IWs and July has the least. Further analysis shows that the seasonal variation is mainly due to the cloud contamination of optical satellite images. New generation sites of IWs are analyzed using satellite images. Six possible generation sites for IWs in the west Sulu Sea and one generation site for IWs in the east Sulu Sea are found using the ray-tracing method. Multi IW sources in the same strait are found, which may be due to the seawater flow over the strait in different directions. The analysis shows that IWs with long wave crest in the Sulu Sea is a combined effort of all straits between small islands in the Sulu Archipelago. Remote generated IWs with long wave crest in the east Sulu Sea are studied, which are generated at the straits around (121.5°E, 6°N) by the nonlinear evolution of intal tide originated from the Sulu Archipelago.
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“情境教育的实验做了30多年,我最深切的体会:从儿童出发,就能想出办法;从儿童出发,才能符合规律。”著名儿童教育家李吉林对青年教师们语重心长地说。的确,儿童在李老师的心中有着特殊的意义,那不仅仅是她的教育对象、研究对象,更是她智慧的源泉、心灵的寄托。在她看来,整日和人世间最稚气的儿童生活在一起是最大的幸福。  尽管已经拥有了中国教育学会副会长、情境教育创始人、中央教科所兼职研究员等许多头衔,李吉林