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智力跨国外流究竟是提升了外流国的技术创新能力,还是导致创新人才流失而削弱了技术创新能力?文章在人力资本异质性的开放经济框架内,将智力外流引入技术创新生产函数,从理论上探讨了智力外流与外流国技术创新之间的关系,并进一步构造智力外流指标,利用中国省际面板数据进行了实证分析。实证结果表明,智力外流与中国技术创新之间呈倒U形关系,当前中国大部分地区的智力外流水平处于倒U形曲线的上升阶段。因此,鼓励和合理引导人才国际流动对于提升中国技术创新能力具有重要意义。 In the framework of an open economy with human capital heterogeneity, this paper introduces intellectual outflow into the technological innovation production function, and from the perspective of theory Explores the relationship between intellectual outflow and technological innovation in outbound countries, and further constructs the indicators of intellectual outflow and makes empirical analysis using the panel data of China’s provinces. The empirical results show that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between intellectual outflow and technological innovation in China. At present, the level of intellectual outflow in most parts of China is in the rising phase of an inverted U-shaped curve. Therefore, encouraging and reasonably guiding the international mobility of talents is of great significance for enhancing the capability of technological innovation in China.
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