回望历史 触摸现实 感悟使命——南京陆军指挥学院扎实开展教育活动纪实

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南京陆军指挥学院在教育活动中,紧密联系单位实际,充分挖掘教育资源,坚持用艰辛的发展历程感召人,用辉煌的发展成就鼓舞人,用光荣的使命任务激励人,不断打牢官兵高举旗帜、听党指挥、履行使命的思想政治基础,单位全面建设不断迈上新台阶。系统梳理艰辛发展历程,在回望历史中坚定信仰。一是抓好纵向回顾。院党委把总结梳理科学发展历程作为学院年度政治工作的专项课题,组织专家教授从政治、经济、社会、文化等多个方 In its educational activities, Nanjing Army Command University has made full use of its educational resources to tap the resources of education, persuaded people with arduous development history, encouraged people with brilliant achievements in development, inspired people with their glorious mission, and kept the banner of officers and soldiers held high Listen to the party’s command and fulfill the mission of ideological and political foundation, the unit construction has been continuously reached a new level. System combing the difficult development process, in looking back the history of firm belief. First, do a good job of longitudinal review. The party committee of the hospital summarizes and combs the course of scientific development as a special subject for the annual political work of the college and organizes experts and professors from various fields such as politics, economy, society and culture
大暑天,天有多热,玩虫的人心里就有多热,着急啊。  《礼记》“月令篇”里说:“六月,蟋蟀居壁”。其实,对于玩虫的人来说,居不居壁不是关键,关键是蟋蟀还没蜕完皮,还是秧子,算不得成虫。蟋蟀一生要蜕七道皮才能成虫,蜕皮的时候全身瘫软,全无自卫能力,天敌又多,机缘不好,就在蜕皮的过程中死掉了,算得上九死一生。  有些虫栖息地临近某些热源,早熟,已经开始叫了,玩虫的人称为热籽,不中用的。但是这一叫,逗得心
九曲十八湾,位于四川省北部阿坝州若尔盖县唐克乡。黄河在这里拐出一道靓丽的风景线,清澈又平静的河水,静静地流淌在草原上,从远处蜿蜒而至,如丝带般的柔滑温润…… Jiuchan
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