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江苏沙钢集团在建设2套21000 m3/h空分设备时,采用由WLD2100电力综合保护自动化监控系统和CS集散控制系统组成的远程自动化监控系统,来实现数据采集、监视和控制功能。介绍远程自动化监控系统的结构、软硬件配置以及实现的功能,分析了与传统管理系统相比较远程自动化监控系统所具有的优势。 Jiangsu Sha Steel Group in the construction of 2 sets of 21000 m3 / h air separation plant, the use of WLD2100 integrated power protection automation monitoring system and CS distributed control system composed of remote automated monitoring system to achieve data acquisition, monitoring and control functions. This paper introduces the structure, software and hardware configuration of the remote monitoring system and its functions, and analyzes the advantages of the remote monitoring system compared with the traditional management system.
In order to reduce the cost of solar cells or flat-panel display, it is very important to synthesis poly-crystalline silicon films on low cost substrate such as
本文基于提高桥梁安全性和行车舒适性这一目的,就桥梁伸缩缝施工及养护中应当注意的问题进行了浅要的分析,以供广大施工人员借鉴。 Based on the purpose of improving brid
鲁北棉田害盲蝽主要有绿盲蝽、三点盲蝽和苜蓿盲蝽(下称棉盲蝽),以绿盲蝽为优势种。棉盲蝽在田间交替重叠发生,已成为重要害虫,并在某些片区猖獗危害,严重障碍棉花生产。 Lv
本设备是浇铸大型高级钢钢坯的连铸设备,它安装在住友金属工业公司和歌山钢铁厂。其技术性能如下: This equipment is a continuous casting equipment for casting large
目的对云南黄果冷杉Abies ernestii var.salouenensis干燥枝叶中黄酮类成分进行研究。方法采用各种色谱技术进行分离纯化,通过NMR等谱学方法鉴定化合物。结果从云南黄果冷杉