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《中华人民共和国消防法》的公布施行是我国法制建设的一件大事,是依法治国方略和江泽民总书记“隐患险于明火,防范胜于救灾,责任重于泰山”思想的重要体现,它不仅为公安消防机构履行消防监督管理职责提供了法律保障,同时也为推动消防工作社会化奠定了法律基础。为了进一步做好本法的宣传、学习,结合消防工作的实际情况,公安部消防局编写了《〈中华人民共和国消防法〉百题知识问答》,以问答的形式,系统阐述了各条规定的内容和立法的指导思想。从这期开始,我们予以分批刊发,希望对公安消防机构的工作人员以及社会各界人士理解、掌握和运用《中华人民共和国消防法》有所帮助。同时,也希望每个公民都能用消防法来规范自身消防行为,有效地预防和扑救火灾,保卫和保证经济建设发展。 The promulgation and implementation of the “Fire Prevention Law of the People’s Republic of China” is a major event in the legal construction of our country. It is an important manifestation of the principle of governing the country according to law and General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s “hidden danger lies in open fire, prevention is better than disaster relief, and responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai”. Fire safety agencies for the implementation of fire supervision and management responsibilities to provide legal protection, but also to promote the socialization of fire prevention work laid the legal foundation. In order to further improve the propaganda, learning and fire fighting work in this Law, the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security has compiled “Knowledge Questions and Answers on Hundred Questions of Fire Law of the People’s Republic of China”, systematically elaborating on the stipulations Content and legislation guiding ideology. Since the beginning of this period, we have issued in batches, hoping to understand and grasp the “Fire Law of the People’s Republic of China” and help the staff of the public security and fire fighting agencies and people from all walks of life. At the same time, I hope every citizen can use the Fire Law to regulate their own fire behavior, effectively prevent and save the fire, defend and ensure economic development.
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“囡囡不行,她的记性不好,让小敏给你们背段古诗词吧。”  记忆里,只要有人来串门,妈妈准会把姐姐拉出去表演,姐姐大方自然地背诵完长长的《满江红》后,大家开始啧啧称赞,妈妈一脸自豪。  这个场景似乎成了我的噩梦,一直伴随着我。  我身材瘦小,有个大我两岁的姐姐。妈妈在生活上从来不偏向我们哪一个,姐姐有的我都有,唯一不同的是姐姐成绩优秀讨人喜爱总是得到表扬,而我恰恰相反。妈妈总摇头说我反应慢,爸爸替我
近年来,由于计算机网络技术的高速发展,雷达跟踪系统中的飞行计划处理系统(FDPS)也发生了很大的变化,已从早期的主机/终端方式过渡到现在的局域网方式。 10年来,中国民航引
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