Safety of Curcuma aromatica oil gelatin microspheres administered via hepatic artery

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivan_wongxc
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AIM:To evaluate the safety of Curcuma arornatica oilgelatin microspheres (CAO-GMS) infused via hepatic arteryagainst primary liver cancer.METHODS:The safety of CAO-GMS was evaluated in viewof its acute toxicity in rats,long-term toxicity in Beagledogs and general pharmacology in rats and mongrel dogs.RESULTS:The 50% lethal dose (LD_(50)) of CAO-GMS infusedvia the hepatic artery was 17.19 mg/kg,and the serumbiochemical indices of dying rats after the administrationchanged markedly while those of survived rats did not.Subsequent pathological examination of the tissues fromthe dead rats indicated improper embolism.Similar edemaand small necrotic foci in the hepatic Iobule were found inthe hepatic tissue of rats receiving 10 and 5 mg/kg CAO-GMS and GMS 60 d after the last administration,while notin the rats of the blank control group,indicating thatmicrospheres infused via the hepatic artery may induceirreversible liver damage dose-dependently.Generalpharmacological study showed that the activities (postureand gait),respiration frequency,blood pressure or heartrate of the dogs were not affected by CAO-GMS,nor weresalivation,tremor or pupil changes of the rats observed ortheir balancing ability compromised,suggesting CAO-GMSinfused via the hepatic artery did not significantly affect thenervous,respiratory and cardiovascular systems.CONCLUSION:CAO-GMS embolization administered via thehepatic artery is safe but undesired embolization inducedby vascular variation should be given due attention in itsclinical application.Individualized embolization dosage andsuper-selective catheterization technique are recommendedto avoid undesired embolism and reduce complications. AIM: To evaluate the safety of Curcuma arornatica oilgelatin microspheres (CAO-GMS) infused via hepatic arteryagainst primary liver cancer. METHODS: The safety of CAO-GMS was evaluated in view of its acute toxicity in rats, long-term toxicity in Beagledogs and general Pharmacology in rats and mongrel dogs.RESULTS: The 50% lethal dose (LD_(50)) of CAO-GMS infusedvia the hepatic artery was 17.19 mg/kg, and the serum biochemical indices of dying rats after the administrationchanged markedly while those of survived rats Did not.Subsequent pathological examination of the tissues from the dead rats indicated improper embolism.Similar edemaand small necrotic foci in the hepatic Iobule were found in the hepatic tissue of rats receiving 10 and 5 mg/kg CAO-GMS and GMS 60d after the last administration ,while notin the rats of the blank control group,indicating thatmicrospheres infused via the hepatic artery may induceirreversible liver damage dose-dependently.Generalpharmacological study was showing that the a Ctivities (postureand gait), respiration frequency, blood pressure or heartrate of the dogs were not affected by CAO-GMS, nor weresalivation, tremor or pupil changes of the rats observed or their restraining ability compromised, suggesting CAO-GMSinfused via the hepatic artery did not Significant affect thenervous,respiratory and cardiovascular systems.CONCLUSION:CAO-GMS embolization administered via thehepatic artery is safe but undesired embolization inducedby vascular variation should be given due attention in itsclinical application.Individualized embolization dosage and super-selective catheterization technique are recommendedto avoid undesired embolism and Reduce complications.
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