筹备成立中国光伏产业联合会政策依据之一 国务院办公厅关于加快推进行业协会商会改革和发展的若干意见

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各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:改革开放以来,我国行业协会、商会(以下统称行业协会)发展较快,在提供政策咨询、加强行业自律、促进行业发展、维护企业合法权益等方面发挥了重要作用。但是,由于相关法律法规不健全,政策措施不配套,管理体制不完善,行业协会还存在着结构不合理、作用不突出、行为不规范等问题。党的十六届三中全会指出,要按市场化原则规范和发展各类行业协会等自律性组织;十六届六中全会进一步强调,要坚持培育发展和管理监督并重,完善培育扶持和依法管理社会组织的政策,发挥各类社会组织提供服务、反映诉求、规范行为的作用,为经济社会发展服务。为加快推进行业协会的改革和发展,更好地适应新形势的需要,经国务院同意,现提出以下意见: Since the reform and opening up, China’s trade associations and chambers of commerce (hereinafter collectively referred to as trade associations) have developed rapidly, providing policy advice, strengthening industry self-regulation, promoting the development of the industry and safeguarding the enterprises Legal rights and other aspects have played an important role. However, due to the lack of relevant laws and regulations, inadequate policies and measures, and imperfect management system, the trade associations still have problems such as irrational structure, lack of prominence and irregular behavior. The Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee pointed out that it is necessary to regulate and develop self-discipline organizations of various types of trade associations according to the principle of marketization; and the 6th Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee further emphasized that both cultivation and development, management and supervision should be taken as equal emphasis and nurturing and supporting and law- To manage the policies of social organizations, give play to the role of various social organizations in providing services, reflecting demands and regulating behaviors, and serve economic and social development. In order to speed up the reform and development of trade associations and better meet the needs of the new situation, with the agreement of the State Council, we hereby submit the following opinions:
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