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  美国歌手布兰妮·斯皮尔斯曾说:I’ve always followed my heart and pursued my dreams, and I imagine that people find that inspiring. I hope that is the effect I have on my fans and people in general. I definitely want to project a positive energy out into the world. 这位歌手真诚希望通过自己的演唱给世界注入正能量。
  译文:China provides positive energy for world prosperity and development by holding to the path of peaceful development.
  译文:Robust positive energy has been gathered.
  译文:advocate the themes of the times and popularize/spread positive energy
  译文:use Internet rules to advocate things wholesome and positive, and dis-seminate and put into practice the core socialist values
  为了照应句子其他部分,译者果断省略了positive energy的表述,采用意译手法,传递了汉语的“弘扬主旋律,激发正能量”。虽然这里的汉语结构与上例相似,但英文表述殊异,宜体会领悟之。
  英文单词energy除了表示“能量”,也可以表示“能源”,比如energy crisis(能源危机)。不过,很多情况下,为了清晰表达物理意义的“能源”,英语会采用energy sources,如:
  回收可再生能源 recycle renewable energy (sources)
  替代能源 alternative energy (sources)
  可持续能源 sustainable energy (sources)
  新能源 new energy (sources)
  清洁能源技术 clean energy technology
  能源供给结构 energy supply structure
  能源供应体系 energy supply system
  保护/节约能源 conserve/save energy
  能源生产与消耗 energy production and consumption
  利用能源 use/tap/employ energy
  能源节约型社会 energy-conserving society
  能源安全是关系国家经济社会发展的全局性、战略性问题。 Energy security is an issue of general and strategic significance in the economic and social development of a country.
  世界上最大的能源生产国和消费国 the world’s largest energy producer and consumer
  推进“一带一路”能源合作 encourage energy cooperation through the Belt and Road Initiative
  节能减排标准 energy efficiency/conservation and emission reduction standards
  节能电器 energy-efficient appliances
  那么“节能灯具”是什么呢?对了,当然是energy-efficient light fixtures。
In London, there’s a museum dedicated to Charles Dickens, housed in his old, lovingly preserved home near the King’s Cross rail station. There are over 200 museums in London. This one wasn’t anywhere
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The unique style of Marc Chagall paintings has never been more evident than in the Circus Horse (gouache and brush and India ink on paper, 49.5 cm x 62.8 cm, 1964). The painting immerses the viewer in
【導读】 V. S. 奈保尔(1932 —2018),印度裔英国作家,曾获布克奖、毛姆奖、英国大卫·柯恩文学奖等奖项,并于 2001年获得诺贝尔文学奖。奈保尔曾在世界各地广泛游历,创作了大量以亚、非、拉等第三世界为题材的小说与游记。  本文节选自奈保尔的小说《抵达之谜》(The Enigma of Arrival,1987)第一章“杰克的花园”(Jack’s Garden)。该小说以倒叙的手法再现
A few things spring to mind. Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem. For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmt
西安城里,差不多的人家都養了狗,各种各样的狗。每到清晨或是傍晚,小区里、公园中、马路边,都有遛狗的。人走多快,狗走多快;狗走多快,人走多快。  狗是家里成员了,吃得好,睡得好,每天洗澡,有病就医。除了没姓氏,名字也都十分讲究。据说,城里人口是八百万了,怎么可能呢?没统计狗呀,肯定到了一千万。  这个社会已经不分阶级,但却有着许多群系,比如乡党、同学、战友。维系关系,天罗地网的,又新增了上网的炒股的
【導读】威廉·惠特曼·贝利(1843—1914)曾任布朗大学、麻省理工学院植物学教授。其父雅各布·惠特曼·贝利(1811—1857)是一个自然主义者,也是美国微观研究的先驱,曾任西点军校化学教授。家学渊源一定程度上折射出美国历史上一个人文与自然科学相得益彰的时期。  这篇优美的散文发表在1878年的美国《全国教育学刊》(National Journal of Education)上。文章以冬日林中
Each December I reread Charles Dickens’s 1843 classic A Christmas Carol, and every time, for different reasons, it moves me deeply. I picked the book out of a remainder pile at one of the big chain bo
No matter who you are, how much you earn, or how you invest, a few truths apply to you and your money.   Spending money to show people how much money you have is the surest way to have less money. Sin
公元1899年,原本悠远平静的中国文字学领域发生了一件惊天动地的大事——甲骨文首度被发现。  金石学家王懿荣偶然注意到,药店售出的药材“龙骨”上面刻有文字,经他研究,认定龙骨是殷商时期的占卜用骨,并断言此文字(即“甲骨文”)比当时最早的文字“籀文”(即“大篆”)更古老。此后,王懿荣开始大量收购甲骨,成为发现和收藏甲骨的第一人。殷商甲骨文尘封3000余年,晚清时首度为世人所知,倏忽已走过二甲子。  