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“Noun+to+Noun”结构及意义杨新义英语中有一些名词常常和to引导的介词短语连用,形成固定的搭配,含有固定的意义。to引导的介词短语作定语来修饰这些名词。如:thekeytotheofice办公室的钥匙。keytoexercises练习答案。... “Noun+to+Noun” Structure and Meaning There are some terms in Yang Xinyi’s English that are often used with to-guided prepositional phrases to form fixed collocations with fixed meanings. To guide prepositional phrases as modifiers to modify these nouns. Such as: the key of thekeytotheofice office. Keytoexercises exercise answers. ...
China validated a new consumption tax policy on April 1 that levies higher taxes on luxury goods such as yachts and limousines, as well as wooden disposable cho
SCORE表示数量用法种种安振彦SCORE这个词可用来表示数量。主要有下列用法。1.score表示数量,含有具体数量时,含义是“20”,相当于twenty,往往和不定冠词a及介词of连用修饰名词。Therewasbarelyascoreofpeopl... SCORE indicates quantit
中华人民共和国商务部公告2008年第107号根据《2009年稀土出口配额申报条件和申报程序》(商务部公告2008年第77号),现公布2009年稀土出口企业名单。 Announcement of the Mi
The Pentagon(五角大楼) is the headquarters of the US Department of Defense.As a symbol of the US military, the Pentagon is often used to refer to the Department
Shareof和Sharein的区别熊丽君在一堂词汇练习课上,学生对名词share后应跟介词of还是in引起了争论,为了弄清这个问题,我查阅了不少词典,发现了以下规律。1.当名词意为“一部分、份”时,其结构为:1)onesshare+of①Youm... The
硕士研究生入学考试英语模拟试题PartⅠStructureandVocabulary裘正铨SectionADirections:Beneatheachofthefollowingsentences,therearefourchoicesmarkedA... Postgraduate entrance exam English simulation test PartIStructureandVocabulary SectionADirections: Beneatheachofthefo