金昶伯 在中国9年快忘了自己是韩国人

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  Kim Chang-back: Spending nine years in China, I’ve mostly forgotten I’m still a Korean
  Text: Zhang Yanfei
  Translation: G.G.
  As shown in a survey conducted by a domestic website in China, Kim Chang-back ranked the first among foreign coaches. Joong Ang Daily of Korea reported that “Kim Chang-back is an example of success of Korean coaches working overseas.”
  A Korean that has spent 9 years in China brings up an ordinary and noteless hockey team of China from nothing to silver medal of the Olympics. If we take him as Dr. Norman Bethune in the hockey sports field, no one feels it overstated. Enjoying Chinese food and speaking Chinese, Kim even settled his whole family in China. As he says, “I’ve mostly forgotten I’m still a Korean.”
  “Demon coach” on the field but “Fatherly Coach” off the field
  “Kim Chang-back is a very rigid coach like a demon on the sports field, but a kind-hearted father after that.” Fu Baorong, who has just experienced all these, said, “When I feel unfit, Mr. Kim will often take me to outside restaurants for dog’s meat and mutton to tone up. He is inexorable during coaching, but he shows another side of himself like a father. Our team fellows are all loving him.”

  In the eyes of the Team Captain Ma Yibo, Kim Chang-back is very rigid but only in coaching; In fact, he takes good care of each and every player. “Many of team fellows like snacks, but there is no time for us to buy during intensive coaching. Mr. Kim will ask his wife to buy and bring to the coaching field, and distribute to us after it. Some more, he will prepare some birthday presents for some fellow, and gather the whole team to celebrate it for her. When someone is falling ill, Kim will also ask his wife to help for decocting medicinal herbs.
  The team member, Cheng Hui, went back home to get married, and Kim made a special trip flying to Shanghai to attend her wedding ceremony. Kim whispered with Cheng Hui wearing wedding gown, “After giving birth to your baby, please take a good rest for some time.” However, Cheng Hui resumed to the sports field only a few days after delivery. “Everybody can see that the team is improving a lot with Kim. He turned the team into an excellent one, and even I become a mother, I still want to stay with the team for more matches.” said Cheng Hui.
  The whole family settled in Beijing, and His children studying in Tsinghua
  Eating Chinese food, speaking Chinese, Kim has been stayed in China for nine years. He said, “I’ve mostly forgotten I’m still a Korean.” Since 1999 when he started his coaching career with China National Hockey Team, the team has already won gold medal for twice in the Asian Games, and participated in the Olympics for thrice, with ranking climbing up from the fifth in Sydney, fourth in Athens and the first silver medal in Beijing. For most of Chinese people, they know China Hockey, because of the name of Kim Chang-back.
  In the second year of being the coach of Chinese Women’s Hockey Team, his wife and children continuously moved to Beijing. Kim Chang-back has two sons and one daughter. His eldest son, Kim Min-xiu, graduated from the Faculty of Biology of Tsinghua University. His daughter, Kim Min-jeong, is now a sophomore student of Chinese Language and Literature of Tsinghua. And his youngest son, Kim Min-kui, will sit for the National Matriculation Test next year and is likely to study in China. The fate between Kim Chang-back and China will never come to the end at this point. “I will still stay in Beijing for some time.” He said.
  “Chinese is an important subject for children. And It is very important to learn Chinese, especially in the current and sound situation of Sino-Korea economic and trade development.” Kim also masters a quite good Chinese, and there is no problem at all to communicate with the team members. He is so rigid on the sports field, but what is another side of him at home? Everyone is very interested in it. In the eyes of his daughter Kim Min-jeong, Father is strict but a very gentleman to the family. “Dad can only be so cruel on the sports field, and he is a kind and easygoing man after the coaching. Dad never loses temper at home, even if my elder brother, my younger brother and myself do something wrong.” What makes Min-jeong feel very impressive is that her father was rarely back home, “I seldom saw my father when I was very young, and he often led a team for coaching or participating in some matches. He came back home only for several times in a year.”

  In 1999, Kim stepped in China for his career. Once, he figured out that during the 9-year stay in China, he stayed at home for one month in the first year, five days in the second, and a month and a half in the third.
  “I have been with the Chinese Women’s Hockey Team for nine years, and I feel something lost when I suddenly left them. Chinese got to say, ‘No grand banquet can last forever’. To be frankly, if I say what my regret can be, that is I am not fulfilling my final goal to bring the Team up to the top of the Olympic arena. However, during the nine years time, I have known so many good players, coaches, leaders and many Chinese people. Now wherever I am in, I can feel the enthusiasm and warmth of the Chinese people. The taxi drivers refuse to collect money from me. Every time I go playing golf, there is always someone to settle my bill without telling me. I am not a Guus Hiddink in Korea. I am Kim Chang-Kang of China. My love to my team members and the love to China will never change. Billions of Chinese and Korean’s recognition for my performance indeed touched me.” Kim said before his leaving.
  I cannot stand it to be a rival of China, emotionally.
  We have foreseen in the early days this moment of Kim’s leaving, but probably rooting from the deep feelings, many people even cannot accept the truth on the verge.
  Some people said that Kim Chang-back’s leaving was because of money. However, Mr. Lei Jun, head of Handball, Hockey, Baseball and Softball Administration Center under the State General Administration of Sport of China told a story about him, “When the Wenchuan earthquake happened in May, Mr. Kim Chang-back discussed about this issue with leaders of the sports association for many times, and he hoped to donate something to the suffered. At that time, the leaders of Association also considered that Kim Chang-back was making money for his family with six people living in China, so we propose to allow him to donate just a little bit. However, Mr. Kim said very seriously, ‘I make money from the Chinese people, then when Chinese people are suffering, I am obliged to help them.’ In the end, he generously donated RMB 100,000 to the earthquake area.” According to his team member, Chen Zhaoxia, he need to make money for living of the 6 people in his family, this RMB 100,000 is mostly one-third of his savings.
  After leaving, Kim Chang-back will attend a course conducted by International Hockey Federation for one year to ‘recharge’ on the advanced theory knowledge. Although there have been offers from another three national teams, including Korean Team. Kim Chang-back has not disclosed his future schedules, “Maybe I will back to coach Korean Team, and it is impossible to take over Korean national team in a short term. Emotionally, I cannot accept it to be a rival of China; after all, I have coached the team for so many years.”
  “I have very deep feelings for Chinese Women’s Hockey Team. We have been together for 9 years, so I will not join any other team immediately...” Kim also admitted that he may become a rival of Chinese Women’s Hockey Team someday, “I thought that I would complete my coaching career in China and make a full stop. Now, it seems that it becomes impossible. And I believe Chinese Women’s Hockey Team will have a brighter future.”
《三国演义》开宗明义:话说天下大势,分久必合,合久必分。化简为繁是“分”,化繁为简是“合”。  化简为繁。曾经收到一份《中国私人财富管理报告》。洋洋洒洒图文并茂连篇累牍的123页,更难能可贵的是不带有任何偏向性,的确是作者心血的结晶。(顺便说一句,如果对这份报告感兴趣,不妨发邮件到good_fox@163.com向笔者索取)。报告中罗列了十数类财富管理的工具。单说其中一种工具——商业银行发行的理财
“无形之手”推动金融海啸卷走滚滚财富的同时,也使得衮衮诸公终于抛弃了对“无形之手”的美好幻想。趁此良机,各国政府纷纷祭出“有形之手”。一时间,看这两只手搅来搅去,好不热闹。藉此也给经济学家们创造出不少的工作机会。  作为一个财富拥有者,深究哪只手更好既没必要也不道德,我们要做的是管好自己的手——把财富放进正确的篮子里。  乱花渐欲迷人眼。从储蓄、国债、保险、债券到证券、基金、外汇直到即将粉墨登场的
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