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针对畜禽粪便有机肥中Zn含量普遍偏高的状况,本研究采用盆栽试验的方法开展了鸡粪和鸭粪的施用对土壤Zn积累特征及其生物有效性的影响研究。结果表明,随着鸡粪和鸭粪施用量的增加,土壤全Zn含量、有效Zn含量均趋于上升趋势。有机肥鸡粪和鸭粪的施用量与土壤全Zn含量、有效Zn含量的关系均分别符合二次型曲线和线性模型。检验结果表明二者之间的相关性均达到极显著的水平。忽略作物收获每年从土壤中吸收带走的Zn量,如果要保证河北省安新县农田100年内土壤重金属Zn含量不超过国家一级土壤标准,鸡粪和鸭粪每年的用量分别应不超过14.3 t/hm2和16.8 t/hm2。油菜Zn含量与土壤全锌含量间呈线性相关。按国家食品锌限量卫生标准规定的蔬菜中锌含量标准,土壤全锌含量应不超过472 mg/kg。 In view of the situation that the Zn content in livestock manure organic fertilizer is generally high, this study studied the effects of application of chicken manure and duck manure on soil Zn accumulation and its bioavailability by pot experiment. The results showed that with the increase of chicken manure and duck manure application, the content of total Zn and available Zn in soil tended to increase. The relationship between the application rates of manure and duck manure and the total Zn content and the available Zn content in soil organic fertilizer all accord with quadratic curve and linear model respectively. The test results show that the correlation between the two reached a very significant level. Neglecting the amount of Zn taken away from the soil by crop harvesting every year, the annual amount of chicken manure and duck manure should not exceed 14.3, respectively, if it is to ensure that the soil heavy metal Zn content does not exceed the national first-class soil standard within 100 years of farmland in Anxin County, Hebei Province t / hm2 and 16.8 t / hm2. There was a linear correlation between Zn content in rapeseed and total Zn content in soil. According to the national food zinc limited health standards for vegetables in the zinc content standards, the total soil zinc content should not exceed 472 mg / kg.