清除“左”的错误影响 搞好公路建设

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本刊自开辟讨论专栏以来,广大读者为探讨我国公路现代化的道路问题,从各个角度,提出了不少有益的意见。现发表黑龙扛省交通局局长兼党委书记卢景泰同志《清除“左”的错误影响,搞好公路建设》一文,文中指出;“要搞好公路建设,必须彻底清除“左”的错误影响,切实贯彻执行党的三中全会重新确定的路线、方针、政策。”我们认为,这个问题值得我们特别重视。党的十一届三中全会以来,我们党确立了马克思主义的思想路线、政治路线和组织路线,两年多来的实践证明,是完全正确的,并已取得了显著成效。最近,党中央又作出了在经济上实行进一步的调整,在政治上实现进一步安定的重大决策,这是三中全会实事求是,纠正左倾错误思想的进一步贯彻。“左”的错误思想影响全党,流毒全国。一般说来,在各个领域、各个部门、以至每个同志,尤其是领导同志,“左”的影响只有多少、深浅之分,而没有有无之别。本文指出了多年来在公路建设事业上,因受“左”的思想影响吃过的一些亏,教训是深刻的。但这个影响涉及面很广,它的表现也远远不只这些。例如:在指导思想上追求高指标,急于求成,搞左倾冒进;在工作上不按科学规律办事,不讲经济实效,搞形式主义:在作风上搞“点头”工程,“一言堂”……。如此等等,几经折腾,造成了莫大的损失。为了能在各个方面认真总结经验教训,进一步提出符合我国国情的、科学的中国公路现代化的道路,关键在于正确理解和贯彻执行党的一系列路线、方针、政策,才能据以结合我国公路建设的实际,制订出我们自己在公路建设上走向现代化的具体方针和政策。然而,不清除“左”的错误影响,也难以正确理解和贯彻党的中央工作会议的精神实质,调整既搞不好,现代化也是不可能的。我们欢迎广大读者,特别是领导同志,就此进一步展开深入讨论。 Since the publication of the column, our readers have put forward many beneficial opinions from all angles in order to explore the road to the modernization of our country’s roads. Now that Comrade Lu Jingtai, Secretary and Party Secretary of the Party Committee of Heilongjiang Province, published “Eliminating the Wrong Left Impact” and Improving Road Construction, Wen pointed out: “To do a good job of highway construction, we must thoroughly eliminate the wrong influence of” left “ We must earnestly implement and implement the party’s third Plenary Session of the redrafted line, principles and policies. ”We think this issue deserves our special attention. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of our Party, our party has established the ideological, political and organizational lines of Marxism. Our practice over the past two years has proved absolutely correct and remarkable results have been achieved. Recently, the Central Party Committee has also made major economic decisions to further adjust its economy and achieve further political stability. This is a further implementation of the thought put forward by the Third Plenary Session in seeking truth from facts and correcting the leftist mistakes. The erroneous thinking of “left” affects the entire party and runs the country. In general, there are only a few differences in terms of influence on the “leftist” in various fields, departments and even comrades, especially leading comrades, and there is no difference between them. This article points out some deficits that have eaten over the years in highway construction because of the influence of the “leftist” thinking. The lesson is profound. However, this impact involves a very wide range of its performance is far more than these. For example: the guiding ideology of the pursuit of high targets, eager to make progress, leftward and forward; work in accordance with scientific laws, do not talk about economic effectiveness, engage in formalism: work style “nod” project, “a word of the Church” ...... . So, after a lot of frustration, caused a great loss. In order to conscientiously sum up experiences and lessons in all aspects, the key to further formulate a scientific road to the modernization of China’s roads that meets China’s national conditions lies in correctly understanding and implementing a series of lines, guidelines and policies of the party so as to combine with the construction of China’s highway In fact, we have formulated specific guidelines and policies for our own modernization on the road construction. However, it is also impossible to correct neither the good nor the good of modernization without clearing the wrong influence of the “left” and correctly understanding and implementing the spirit of the party’s central working conference. We welcome readers, especially leading comrades, to further discuss this issue in depth.
李彩桦平时斯斯文文,怎么也想不到原来她小时候十分粗鲁,有时还会和比她小一岁的弟弟打架。虽然姐弟俩喜欢“切磋武艺”,但却不减两人感情。出身小康之家的 Rain(李之洋名)
母爱神圣。不久前,美国著名的田径明星鲍伯·比蒙不畏困难,不怕家丑外扬,历经数年,终于寻觅到亲生母亲的踪迹。为已经去世多年的生母奉献了亲子的真爱。 Mother love sacred