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高中物理难学,难就难在初中与高中衔接中出现的“台阶”。很多刚从初中升上高中的学生普遍不能一下子适应,都觉得高一物理难学。如何搞好初高中物理教学的衔接,降低初高中物理的学习台阶;如何使学生尽快适应高中物理的教学特点和学习特点,渡过学习物理的难关,就成为高一物理教师的首要任务。本文结合笔者近年来在初中和高中物理教学中的实践和体会,阐述在高一物理教学中做好初高中物理教学衔接的一些做法。 High school physics is difficult to learn, it is difficult to appear in the convergence of junior high school and high school “steps.” Many students who have just graduated from junior high school to high school are generally unable to adapt. They all feel that high school physics is difficult to learn. How to do a good job in the convergence of physics teaching at junior high school and to reduce the learning level in physics at junior and senior high schools; how to adapt students to the teaching characteristics and learning characteristics of high school physics as quickly as possible, and to overcome difficulties in the study of physics, has become a top priority for high school physics teachers. Based on the author’s practice and experience in physics teaching in junior high school and senior high school in recent years, this article describes some of the practices in the physics teaching of junior middle school and senior high school in the teaching of high school physics.
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介绍了轴向柱塞液控伺服变量泵的结构、工作原理以及特点。 The structure, working principle and characteristics of axial piston hydraulic servo variable pump are i
对谢二矿南部通风系统改造进行了分析比较 ,结果表明该方案在技术经济上是合理的。 Analysis and comparison of the ventilation system in the southern part of Xie Er-m
本刊讯2015年9月3日,皖北煤电钱营孜矿井下600 m的西三胶大巷里,徐钦民、刘宏伟等人正对他们发明的风筒调风器进行调试。通过调节旋杆的转动,仅用了5 min,迎头风量由560 m3/min降