根据国家技术监督局鼓励行业和企业采用国际标准和国外先进标准的精神,结合我国印刷行业的实际情况,全国印刷标准化技术委员会于1996年2月8日在中国印刷科学技术研究所召开了专家咨询会,就ISO 12647国际标准的采标问题征求意见专家们对该国际标准进行了详细的分析,并结合我国印刷业的实际情况进行了热烈的讨论。大家一致认为等效采用该国际标准是可行的,该标准在我国印刷企业的贯彻实施必将使我们的印刷生产管理上一个新台阶,采用该国际标准既符合我国印刷企业的经济利益,也为我国印刷企业与国际接轨,增强企业竞争能力创造了条件。 那么,ISO 12647究竟是怎样一个标准?它究竟有哪些优点呢?本文在此简要介绍如下:
According to the spirit of the State Bureau of Technical Supervision encouraging industry and enterprises to adopt international standards and advanced foreign standards, combined with the actual situation of China’s printing industry, the National Printing Standardization Technical Committee held an expert consultation on February 8, 1996 at the China Institute of Printing Science and Technology. At the meeting, experts on the issue of adopting the ISO 12647 international standards asked experts to analyze the international standards in detail and discussed the actual situation of the printing industry in China. We all agreed that the equivalent use of the international standard is feasible. The implementation of this standard in our printing companies will inevitably bring our printing production management to a new level. Adopting this international standard is not only in line with the economic interests of our printing companies, but also China’s printing companies have established conditions in line with international standards and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. So, what exactly is ISO 12647? What advantages does it have? The article is briefly described here: