美国国家技术情报服务局在1979年8月出版了几册固体润滑剂的文摘集,收集了近二十年来世界各国关于固体润滑剂的制备方法、性能研究以及在各种工况下应用的研究报告,比较全面地介绍了目前世界上固体润滑剂的研究、生产动态和发展的水平。下面列出这几册文摘集的NTIS的总编号、名称、资料来源及文摘内容。 (1)NTIS/PS—79/0853/6GA,固体润滑剂(引自国家技术情报服务局数据库),1964~1979.7间文摘233篇,241页。只包括二硫化钼、聚合物膜和氟化石墨这几种材料的制备、应用、性质和试验。
In August 1979, the National Institute of Technical Intelligence published a collection of digests of solid lubricants and collected research reports on the preparation, performance and application of solid lubricants in various countries around the world in the past 20 years Report, a more comprehensive introduction to the current world solid lubricant research, production dynamics and level of development. Below is a list of the NTIS’s total numbers, names, sources and abstracts for these digests. (1) NTIS / PS-79/0853 / 6GA, Solid Lubricants (cited from the National Technical Information Services Database), Abstracts from 1964 to 1979.7, Article 233, p. Only include molybdenum disulfide, polymer film and graphite fluoride, the preparation of these materials, applications, properties and tests.