在英国伦敦国家档案馆收藏的英国外交部档案中,编号为FO17/1718 XC/A 34678 P. 383的是康有为致英国外交事务国务大臣兰斯多恩侯爵的一篇英文信件,迄今未曾公开发表。数年前,我友关一球博士(任教于香港浸会学院历史系)至伦敦将该件复印,但印后文字无法辨认之处颇多,他又亲手核对原文予以抄补,然后赠送给我。对此,谨向关先生表示最衷心的感谢。现将该函译成中文,供史学界同行研究参考。
In the archives of the British Foreign Office, which were collected by the National Archives of London in the United Kingdom, No. FO17 / 1718 XC / A 34678 P. 383 was an English letter from Kang You-wei to the Marquis of the United Kingdom, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Lansdowne and has not yet been published . A few years ago, Dr. Ikkyu Guan, who taught at the Department of History at the Hong Kong Baptist College, copied the copy to London, but the unreadable print was too numerous. He personally copied the original and then gave it to him I. In this regard, I would like to express my most heartfelt thanks to Mr. Guan. The letter is now translated into Chinese for the study of peer-reviewed history.