
来源 :中华消化内镜杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dewuwangwo
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胃粘膜内出血点是胃炎悉尼分类系统中一种内镜表现,目前文献中仅为零星分散报道。作者对此进行了全面观察,现报道如下:内镜及临床资料 1.病例来源:我院内镜室1991年10月~1996年10月5年间作胃镜检查共6992例,发现胃粘膜内出血点患者88例,占1.25%。男40例,女48例,年龄15~77岁,胃镜检查时病程半月~2年。入选病例均排除了出血性疾病、门脉高压性胃病、胃癌等,无上消化道出血,胃镜检查时亦无胃腔内积血,并排除了胃镜操作时的机械性损伤。胃镜检查前1周服NSAID 者11例,占12.5%,其中阿斯匹林6例,消炎痛2例,布洛芬3例。2.内镜下特征及活检结果内镜下见出血点仅累及胃底者36例,仅累及胃体者20例,胃底体同时累及者14例,胃体胃窦同时累及者6例,胃底、体、窦均累及者2例,仅累及胃窦者10例,以胃体底累及最多,占88.6%(78/88)。出血点均平坦,不高出粘膜面,色鲜红 Gastric mucosal bleeding point is an endoscopic performance of gastritis Sydney classification system, the current literature is only sporadic scattered reports. The authors conducted a comprehensive observation, are reported as follows: Endoscopic and clinical data 1. Case Source: Our hospital endoscopy room October 1991 ~ October 1996 for 5 years as a total of 6992 gastroscopy were found in gastric mucosal bleeding 88 patients, accounting for 1.25%. 40 males and 48 females, aged 15 to 77 years, gastroscopy course of half months to 2 years. Selected cases were excluded hemorrhagic disease, portal hypertensive gastropathy, stomach cancer, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, gastroscopy no intragastric hemorrhage, and ruled out the endoscopic mechanical injury. In the 1 week before gastroscopy, NSAIDs were given in 11 cases (12.5%), of which 6 were aspirin, 2 were indomethacin and 3 were ibuprofen. Endoscopic features and biopsy results in the endoscopic see bleeding point involving only 36 cases of gastric fundus, involving only 20 cases of gastric body, gastric fundus simultaneously involving 14 cases, gastric gastric simultaneous involvement in 6 cases, Gastric fundus, body, and sinus were involved in 2 cases, involving only 10 cases of gastric antrum, involving the fundus of the bottom, accounting for 88.6% (78/88). Bleeding points are flat, not higher than the mucosal surface, color red
《缀网劳蛛》是许地山早期小说集。解读其中作品可知 ,“人生无常 ,生本不乐”是作者通过婚姻和家庭问题揭示人生苦难的主要内容。其主人公在悲情或悲命的抗争过程中 ,得失随
1993年~1998年间⒙共收治了病毒性肝炎并发糖代谢障碍患者48例⒙其中⒙并发低血糖者17例⒙糖尿病者31例⒙经治疗全部达到临床治愈⒙总结如下⑶1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 48例均为住院患者⒙肝病诊
钱锺书不专治红学 ,却特别喜欢谈论《红楼梦》。在他的文学作品和学术著作中 ,他经常以比较随意的方式 ,发表对《红楼梦》的独特见解 ,表现出他对这部小说的偏爱。通过这些言