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一、概述近十几年来由于科学技术的不断发展,对机器的速度要求越来越高,机器的规格越来越大,与此同时,对简化生产管理和延长机器寿命的要求也就更为迫切,这就引起了对润滑技术的重视并促进了润滑技术的发展,油雾润滑就是在这种情况下产生和发展起来的。油雾润滑是希油润滑和干油润滑方式以外的一种新的润滑方式。根据形成油雾的润滑剂的性质不同,又分为希油油雾润滑和干油油雾润滑两种。干油油雾润滑在60年代问世以来就显示出它的新的生命力,由于它的润滑均匀,耗油量少,和希油润滑相比又易于形成油膜,进而提高了机器的使用寿命,因而在短短的十几年中,在国外一些国家先后用到冶金、矿山、建筑和水泥等工业中的开式或半开式的齿轮传动及其它一些润滑点上。可以这样说,干油油雾润滑的产生,在国际上是干油润滑的一次革命。 First, an overview of the past decade or so as the continuous development of science and technology, the higher the speed of the machine requirements, the specifications of the machine more and more, at the same time, to simplify the production management and extend the life expectancy of the machine even more Urgent, which led to the importance of lubrication technology and promote the development of lubrication technology, oil mist lubrication is generated and developed in this case. Oil mist lubrication is a new type of lubrication other than oil lubrication and dry oil lubrication. According to the nature of the formation of oil mist lubricant is divided into two types of oil mist lubrication and dry oil mist lubrication. Dry-oil mist lubrication has shown its new vitality since it was introduced in the 1960s. Because of its uniform lubrication and low fuel consumption, it is also easier to form an oil film than oil lubrication, which in turn increases the service life of the machine. In a short period of ten years, some countries in foreign countries have used open or semi-open gears and other lubrication points in industries such as metallurgy, mining, construction and cement. It can be said that the generation of dry oil mist lubrication is a revolution in the world of dry oil lubrication.
功夫在诗外。 看电视上白岩松寻访“东方之子”,想起这句话,觉得他实在是读了些书。你看,国学泰斗周谷城、任继愈、季羡林、启功……与其对话是纵览千秋事,论及文史哲,白岩
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