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一、西班牙食品加工行业的现状及地位西班牙食品加工业在工业中所占比重最大。1998年,西班牙食品加工业产值为8.73万亿比塞塔(合524.68亿欧元),占工业总产值的近20%,在欧盟中排名第5位。食品加工行业从业人员为39.88万人,在欧盟中排名第3。目前,西班牙共有4万家食品加工企业。其中,面包、饼干、食糖、可可等加工企业2.1万多家;饮料企业5000多家;肉类加工企业4300多家;牛奶加工企业1600多家;油料加工企业1600多家;蔬菜加工企业1500多家;面粉加工企业1300多家;动物饲料企业900多家;海产品加工企业700多家。这些食品加工企业绝大部分为中小企业,其中85%企业的员工不到10人,只有0.5%的企业(200家)员工人数超过200人。在西班牙食品加工行业中,肉制品、酒(主要是葡萄酒)、奶制品、食用油(主要是橄榄油)、面食(面包、糕点、饼干等)、蔬菜罐头等大类产品的加工占很大比重。这6大类产品的加工企业营业额占食品加工总产值的2/3左右,出口占3/4左右。西班牙食品加工业与农业生产的联系十分紧密,并有很大的依存性。食品加工业是第一产业的最大客户,决定着农牧渔业的发展,同时也保证着西班牙的食品供应。以1997年为例,食品加工业中原材料的开支占总营业额的60.89%。其中,食用油行业占84.8%,肉类行业占74.9%,面粉加工业占68.7%,海产品加 I. Status and status of the Spanish food processing industry The Spanish food processing industry accounts for the largest share in the industry. In 1998, the output value of the Spanish food processing industry was 8.73 trillion pesetas (52.468 billion euros), which accounted for nearly 20% of the total industrial output value and ranked 5th in the EU. The food processing industry employs 398,800 people and ranks 3rd in the EU. At present, there are 40,000 food processing companies in Spain. Among them, there are more than 21,000 processing companies such as bread, biscuits, sugar, and cocoa; more than 5,000 beverage companies; more than 4,300 meat processing companies; more than 1,600 milk processing companies; more than 1,600 oil processing enterprises; and more than 1,500 vegetable processing enterprises. Home; more than 1300 flour processing companies; more than 900 animal feed companies; and more than 700 seafood processing companies. Most of these food processing companies are SMEs, of whom 85% have fewer than 10 employees and only 0.5% of the companies (200) have more than 200 employees. In the Spanish food processing industry, meat products, wine (mainly wines), dairy products, edible oils (mainly olive oil), pasta (bread, cakes, biscuits, etc.), canned vegetables, etc. account for a large portion of the processing proportion. The turnover of processing enterprises of these 6 categories accounted for about 2/3 of the total value of food processing, and exports accounted for about 3/4. The Spanish food processing industry is closely linked with agricultural production and has great dependence. The food processing industry is the largest customer in the primary industry, determines the development of agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery, and also guarantees the food supply in Spain. Taking 1997 as an example, the expenditure on raw materials in the food processing industry accounted for 60.89% of the total turnover. Among them, the edible oil industry accounted for 84.8%, the meat industry accounted for 74.9%, the flour processing industry accounted for 68.7%, and the seafood products added.
在知识经济飞速发展的今天,只有读书,才能从知识的海洋里汲取营养,才能充实我们的头脑,提升我们的思想,才能让我们摆脱“坐吃山空”、“无物可教”的尴尬境地!苏霍 Today, w
简介美国 2 0 0 0国家塑料展览会 (NPE 2 0 0 0 )上展出的合成树脂、塑料助剂、塑料制品和成型技术等方面的新技术、新产品 Introduction New technologies and new product
一种薄膜在线检测仪器。主要用途 :在线检测录像、录音磁带的磁层厚度 ;在线检测各种胶带涂层厚度。主要性能指标 :测量范围0.5~10μm.精确度≤±0.05μm;在线检测时不受杂散光和磁带正常抖