
来源 :辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanghao_haohao
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经济是否搞活,其标准主要在于经济效益是否得到提高。经济效益是指在经济活动中劳动投入量与劳动的有效成果即产出量之间的比率,而产值、利税总额等总量指标不是经济效益指标,这一点人们已取得共识。但是怎样认识我国宏观工业经济效益现状,如何测定经济效益水平,人们在认识上还存在很大分歧。本文将表述我们的观点和设想。一、考核经济效益应建立一个综合效益指标工业经济效益指标反映的是工业生产经营活动中投入量与产出量的对比关系,但由于对投入量与产出量指际的理解不同,考核的目的不同,产生了许多测定经济效益水平的指标。这些指标便组成了经济效益指标体系。这些指标从不同的角度、不同的侧面反映了经济效益的状况和变化原因,但是,用一个指标体系 Whether the economy is invigorated or not depends on whether the economic benefits are improved. Economic benefit refers to the ratio between the amount of labor input in economic activities and the effective output of labor, that is, the amount of output. While the aggregate value of output value, total profits, and taxes is not an indicator of economic efficiency, people have reached consensus on this point. However, how do we understand the current status of China’s macroeconomic industrial economic benefits and how to measure the level of economic benefits? There are still great differences in understanding. This article will express our views and ideas. First, the assessment of economic efficiency should establish a comprehensive index of economic indicators of industrial economic performance reflects the industrial production and operation activities in the input and output of the comparative relationship, but due to the difference between the amount of input and output indicators, assessment of Different purposes have led to a number of indicators that determine the level of economic benefits. These indicators form a system of economic indicators. These indicators reflect the state of economic benefits and the reasons for the change from different perspectives and on different sides, but using an indicator system
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