
来源 :Acta Pharmacologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kyoukini
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AIM: FTY720 is a new synthetic immunosuppressive agent which has a unique mechanism of action and induces long-term graft acceptance in rat and dog allotransplantation as prophylactic administration. The present study investigated whether FTY720 was able to rescue ongoing acute rejection of solid organ transplants in a mouse heterotopic cardiac transplantation model. METHODS: BALB/c hearts were heterotopically grafted in C57BL/6 mice. FTY720, at the doses of 0.5, 1, and 5 mg·kg~(-1)·d~(-1) or vehicle was administered to recipients once daily by oral gavage from d 3 to d 7 after transplantation. Histological changes of grafts, and the lymphocyte number in the peripheral blood and the peripheral lymph nodes were determined on d 5 after transplantation. RESULTS: FRY720 prolonged the median graft survival time dose-dependently and significantly. Histological evaluation revealed less lymphocytic infiltration in cardiac allografts treated with FTY720. Moreover, FTY720 remarkably lowered the number of periph AIM: FTY720 is a new synthetic immunosuppressive agent which has a unique mechanism of action and induces long-term graft acceptance in rat and dog allotransplantation as prophylactic administration. The present study investigatable whether FTY720 was able to rescue ongoing acute rejection of solid organ transplants in METHODS: BALB / c hearts were heterotopically grafted in C57BL / 6 mice. FTY720, at doses of 0.5, 1, and 5 mg · kg -1 d -1 vehicle was administered to recipients once daily by oral gavage from d 3 to d 7 after transplantation. Histological changes of grafts, and the lymphocyte number in the peripheral blood and the peripheral lymph nodes were determined on d 5 after transplantation. RESULTS: FRY720 prolonged the median graft survival time dose-dependently and significantly. Histological evaluation of less lymphocytic infiltration in cardiac allografts treated with FTY 720. Moreover, FTY720 remarkably lowered e number of periph
摘 要:在初中数学课程中,一次函数是作为中考重点考察内容存在的,同时,也是教学中的关键组成部分,通常能够与多种教学知识点综合交汇,形成新的数学内容。经过笔者多年的教学经验发现,在初中一次函数教学过程中,任课教师要重视引导学生对一次函数图像的有效思考与分析,并充分考虑一次函数的形成过程与实际背景,使学生能够正确理解一次函数中数量之间的变化关系,继而实现进一步掌握一次函数的学习思路与策略的目的。  关
我上一次读朱自清的《背影》,是很久以前的事了。今又一次重读这篇作品,不由得读出一些与自己印象中不同的东西,并生出很多的感慨。  朱自清的《背影》文中对父亲背影的描写,表现父亲对儿子的关爱之情。特别是文中第6段,父亲买橘子的细节刻画,年迈体胖的父亲蹒跚过铁道,攀爬上月台的背影,让作者“泪很快地流下来了”;以至于在后来回忆起父亲时,“在晶莹的泪光中,又看见那肥胖的、青布棉袍黑布马褂的背影”。这也是过去