Geometric Calibration Algorithm of Polarization Camera Using Planar Patterns

来源 :上海交通大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwwman
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Polarization patt provides additional information besides spectral signatures.It can be used in many applications,such as navigation,defect detection and object identification.A novel polarization camera composed of four synchronized cameras is proposed,and it can realize real-time polarization measurement.This study particularly concentrates on the geometric calibration of the system.The projection model is analyzed and the multi-camera calibration algorithm is proposed.Firstly,each camera is calibrated separately using planar patts,and then the geometric calibration algorithms are performed.Due to the geometrical constraint,a global optimization method results in smaller estimation uncertainties.A mean rotation error of 0.025° and a mean translation error of 0.26 mm are achieved after geometric calibration.The images are rectified to establish a correspondence among cameras and are combined to acquire the polarization measurement.The polarization patt of the skylight is measured by the system and the results are consistent with the previous studies.
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1 前言rn尽管40 Gbit/s传输技术在十多年前就出现了,但一直处于实验状态.随着电信行业的不断复苏,40 Gbit/s传输技术的研究取得了可喜的进展.第一个40 Gbil/s商用系统于2005