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随着市场的不断繁荣,各种各样的招徕术层出不穷,口彩,成了其中一个巨大的组成.不信的话,可以到各大百货商店看一看,我敢保证,你一定可以找到88元的特价商品.中国人的口彩有的来自于数字的谐音,这主要由汉字的本质决定的,因为汉字是单音节的,一个字一个音都包含一个特定的意思,例如9(长久)啊,8(发)啊.这种口彩,常见于电话号码以及车船牌号的申请,如此,一是为了吉利,同时也是为了便于记忆.最深谙此道的要算各大出租汽车公司了. As the market continues to flourish, a variety of tactics after another, mouth color, became one of the huge composition. If you do not believe it, you can go to the major department stores have a look, I promise you can find 88 yuan The Chinese people’s gospel some figures from the homophonic, which is mainly determined by the nature of Chinese characters, because the Chinese characters are monosyllabic, word by word contains a specific meaning, such as 9 (long) ah , 8 (hair) ah This kind of morale, common in the phone number and the application of the license plate number, so, one for auspicious, but also to facilitate the memory of the most familiar with this road to count each major taxi company.
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《群言》1989年第一期上发表陈元晖同志的《河颂》,论述诞生于黄河流域的中华民族文化的优良传统以及中国传统文化和西洋文化的关系,很多精采的见解,读后颇受教益。…… In