日本国铁新干线以时速210公里营业运行15年来安全无事故,这对世界铁路是惊人的创举。国铁于去年12月7日在小山综合试验线又创造了时速319公里的新记录,车辆及线路均正常。英国铁路的发源地,HST(高速内燃动车组)现以时速169.9公里在营业运行,APT(电动车组)于1975年8月试运时速已达243公里。法国国铁1955年3月28日的CC 7107及次日BB 9004电力机车创造了时速331公里的记录,这在25年后的今天仍属世界上最
Japan’s Shinkansen Shinkansen’s 210-kilometer-per-hour operation has been operating safely and accident-free for 15 years, which is astonishing pioneering work on the world railways. On December 7 last year, the State Railways created a new record of 319 kilometers per hour on the Hill Comprehensive Test Station. The vehicles and routes are normal. The HST (High Speed Diesel Unit) is now operating at a speed of 169.9 kilometers per hour and the APT (Electric Motor Vehicle) reached a test run of 243 kilometers per hour in August 1975. CCBN created a speed of 331 km / h on CC 7107 on March 28, 1955 and BB 9004 on the following day, which is still the world’s largest after 25 years