
来源 :文学少年(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fairylky
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  Once upon a time, Little Frog was young and small, while Old Frog was not too old. Most of the time, they lived near the pond where lush green grass grew.
  They first met after a heavy rain. Little Frog still had his tail behind him and the fresh flavor of grass and mud was everywhere around their pond home. From that day on, they went everywhere together.
  Instead of running, they hopped. Old Frog led the way and said, “Here we go little one. Be quick!” Little Frog would then picked up and followed him. Sometimes Little Frog was upset with Old Frog, crying out, “Hey! Please wait for me! I can't do that! I can't jump far like you!” Old Frog replied, “I can wait for you but the flying insects won't. If you don't learn to jump, we will starve!”
  So the young frog practiced, jumping from one lotus leaf to another but he always splashed into the water. Little Frog was taken aback when this happened, but Old Frog couldn't help but laugh.
  Here and there they hopped through the grass, looking for food.
  Little Frog loved food but he also liked when Old Frog took a nap. Then he could have a good rest, too. One day when Old Frog was sleeping, a red dragonfly flew over him. Little Frog saw her and said to himself, “She is risking her neck.” Little Frog liked to see the dance of the dragonflies over the pond and he thought of them less as food now. The pond would be a dull place without the dragonflies flying over. Little Frog was afraid the dragonflies would all become food for Old Frog.
  “For heaven's sake, Old Frog is sleeping now!” Little Frog whispered to the red dragonfly. “Leave here. There is a hungry mouth below you! Don't you see it?”
  But Old Frog was just pretending to sleep. He stuck out his tongue, long and quick! Luckily, he missed his target this time. The dragonfly flew off at great speed and was safe. She danced in gratitude at the young frog.   Old Frog was mad! “Don't be an idiot, little one! You must learn to catch food!”
  Day by day, time passed. Day melted into night and back into day again. No one really noticed when Little Frog lost his tail. When he found out, Little Frog, seated on a lotus leaf, was unusually quiet, not speaking a word all evening. He heard Old Frog say, “Well, I used to have a tail, too. As you grow up, you have to lose something. Losing your tail means you are a real frog now.”
  “But I feel more like being a tadpole...”said the young frog in a low voice. He jumped in the pond, making a big splashing sound. He did not want Old Frog to see him crying. When he came out of the water, the older frog was still there. Old Frog said, “If you don't want others to see you weep, you are indeed a grown frog. You were a tadpole and now you are a frog.”
  The dragonflies still flew over the pond each day. The two frogs still hopped, swam and had fun together. And what was news, gradually became memory. For the young frog, there was a big difference in his life, beyond losing his tail. He was in love! He was in love with the red dragonfly! Little Frog swore to the moon he would marry her, but the red dragonfly asked how this could be, with her flying and him swimming. The young frog thought he could exercise more and lose weight. Maybe his feet could be modified so that he could fly. And he didn't mind suffering for true love. Red Dragonfly was moved. The older frog knew nothing of this budding relationship.
  One day, the young frog led the way to the river bank. Suddenly, a spear with silver light flew at Old Frog from a cluster of cattails!! Little Frog yelled, “Dive!!” Old Frog almost didn't move fast enough. It took some effort to jump into the water. It was a narrow escape!   Old Frog was hurt.
  Little Frog judged him with his eyes, and said, “Why didn't you jump quicker? You taught me to move fast when the spear comes!”
  Through the pain, Old Frog managed a smile. He said, “Well little one, what can I say? ...I don't know... Ouch!”
  The older frog soon recovered but when they went out, he lagged behind more often. More than one time, the younger frog had to stop and wait for him. This new knowledge of himself sank in as he was looking toward the setting sun. “Oh, God. I am a very old frog now!”
  Old Frog tried his best to catch up with Little Frog and said, “Little one, I think I am old.”
  Little Frog did not truly understand the word “old”; he replied without thinking much,“Maybe so.”
  So Old Frog truly became an old frog and Little Frog had forgotten about his tail. Let what is lost be lost. Little Frog thus told the red dragonfly that he had to take care of the old frog and had no time to think about his tail now. The red dragonfly said she would help with the older frog, though she did not really take a fancy to him.
  Old Frog's eye sight was poor now. Often, Little Frog had to remind Old Frog, “Jump to the side! Mind the rubber boots coming from behind!”
  The boy, who used to carry a spear, discarded it and had a new weapon – a spider web. He made it to catch dragonflies. Little Frog was very worried and he asked the red dragonfly to leave the pond for the time being. He said goodbye and that he would always wait for her.
  The boy wiled away his time at the pond with his net. One day he slipped and fell into the water. “Help! Help!” There was nothing the two frogs could do, and they couldn't decide whether they should try anyway. Luckily, a woman ran over and jumped into the pond to save the boy but she couldn't swim! Little Frog jumped from his Lotus leaf toward her, but was pushed away by a wave. Old Frog said, “There is nothing we can do to help her. Pray. Pray with me!”   When the boy came to his senses, he cried, “Mama!! Mama!!” He found the pole and stretched his arm to hand it to his mom. “Take it! Catch it Mom!”
  The woman was saved and the boy hugged her close, not letting go. “Mama!” The woman replied, “It's alright. Don't worry.”
  Little Frog hopped back on his lotus leaf. He imitated the boy, saying “Mama! Croak! Mama! Croak!”
  What did Mama mean? Little Frog had no idea.
  Old Frog smiled. “Little one, you did a good imitation! I didn't think you could say that word!”
  Encouraged, Little Frog sat on his leaf in the moonlight, repeating his word long and loud. While he was singing, Old Frog slipped off his leaf and dived deep into the water. His goal was the other side of the river. It was time to find a new pond where he could live out the rest of his life.
  “He is grown up now. He should have his own life. He wants to marry the red dragonfly and that isn't so bad.” Old Frog was pleased by his thoughts. It was then that the senior frog took his leave, but Little Frog took no notice of his parting.
  The pond was still rippled, shattering the moonlight in little waves.
  Little Frog waited and waited; many nights passed and Old Frog did not return. By this time, Little Frog missed the red dragonfly badly. He really wanted her company. Not too long after, the red dragonfly did return. The air was diffused with moisture, damp but not foggy. The dragonfly hovered over the water, her dim figure making Little Frog wonder if he was dreaming. “You came back! I am so glad! I have been waiting since you left! I am very happy you didn't get caught in the net!”
  The red dragonfly landed on the seedpod of a lotus and spoke. “I did get caught in a net just two days after leaving here. That is why I can't come over to see you.”
  Little Frog wept. It was the first time he had cried in front of her but he couldn't hold back. “You are dead,” he said.   “Yes. That means I can't marry you now.”
  Little Frog dived into the pond, washing his tears away, and floating slowly to the surface. He needed time to gather himself. “Did you know Old Frog left, too? He left without a word.”
  “I saw him. He and I are living in another world. There is a pond and grass there, too.”
  “Take me there! Let's go now!”
  “No. You can't go. You must promise to live here, safe and sound. I must go now.” Saying this, she lifted off and disappeared into the dream-like mist on the pond.
  Little Frog was eager to call her back and he fell from his leaf. It truly was a dream but he came to a new understanding.
  He jumped to the biggest leaf and cried aloud, “Croak! Croak!” This was the word he learned to call the dear ones in his life.
  Other frogs were coming. They called out with Little Frog, “Croak! Croak! Croak! Croak!”
  The heart of summer is here. In the evening, a chorus of frogs can be heard from the pond.
  The heart of summer is here – Little Frog and his new friends have grown big and strong.
日历翻到了五月,立夏快到,一天清早,妈妈买回了红樱桃:“今年的樱桃又大又红!”  “妈妈,我最爱吃樱桃啦!”贝儿欢快地跑过来。  在苏州,立夏时,自家院里要办一场饯春宴,吃三鲜。  第一鲜是“地三鲜”:野苋菜、蚕豆和蒜苗。  烧蚕豆是必上的菜,颜色青翠,豆粒饱满,清香扑鼻,象征着浓荫翠绿的夏天来了。  炸蚕豆更是孩子们喜欢的美味零食。三姨在蚕豆上剪了细细的九刀,蚕豆变成连在一起的九瓣,颗颗宛如盛开
“快看,米莉的百宝箱。”河马叫道,“我们也来打扮打扮吧!”  “好啊好啊!”野猪兴奋地尖叫。  “我们给米莉来个大惊喜吧!看看谁做得到……”  “我是彩旗飘飘的旗杆。”长劲鹿忍不住笑了,“你是谁呀,河馬?”  “我是漂亮的蝴蝶。”河马骄傲地说。  “我是爱发火的大猩猩,而且,我非常非常凶猛——”  “哇——啊!”  大猩猩又吼叫起来。  “哈哈哈!没想到吧?是我——  米莉啊!”  (选摘自《米莉
她是一个女孩,名字叫作叮叮铃,身上精精致致地裹着一片干树叶,领口裁成方的,裁得很低,恰到好处地显露出她身段的优美。她稍微有点儿发福。  仙女进来之后,过了一会儿,窗子就被小星星的气息吹开了,彼得跳了进来。他带着叮叮铃飞了一段路程,所以他手上还沾着许多仙尘。  他弄清楚孩子们确实睡着了之后,就轻轻地唤道:“叮叮铃,你在哪儿?”叮叮铃这时正在一只罐子里,这地方她喜欢极了,她从来没有在一只罐子里待过。 
储物柜里来了位新人——龙须面。  龙须面挤在一大堆方便面当中,有点拘谨。  方便面说主人非常喜欢面条,尤其喜欢它们方便面。  看着方便面,龙须面暗自惊叹。  方便面多气派呀,四四方方,器宇轩昂,个个烫着卷发,时尚极了。还有五颜六色的包装袋,亮光闪闪,咔咔作响。  几乎每一天都有方便面被选中。  煮熟了的方便面总是盛在一只透明的玻璃碗里,香味四溢。  那只玻璃碗好像水晶宫一样。  龙须面多想像方便面
你凝神贯注的样子  你满眼痴迷的样子  胖儿 幻想  让你走出了多远  可能已闻不到  笋子的清香了  那片望也望不到边的竹海呀  可能已忘记  粗壮的树桩了  那些爬也爬不完的大树呀  更想不起  那朵一想你就脸红  离开你就生刺的  小玫瑰吧  你这戴着长套袖也从不干活儿的家伙  你这蒙着黑眼罩也能看清世界的家伙  头脑的风暴卷走了你 胖儿  一枚芯片游离了你 胖儿  上多高的天  你也是眾所
小满一到,北方地区的麦粒开始饱满,但还没有成熟,所以叫小满。  贝儿妈妈带着贝儿去了湖南。  小满大满江河满,南方的雨季到来了。俗话说:“小满有雨豌豆收,小满无雨豌豆丢。”  小满的雨水,真是喜雨啊!  贝儿和妈妈一进旦旦家,旦旦妈妈便迎上来:“哎哟,贝儿比我们旦旦还高。明年就该上小学了,今年可要多玩玩啊!”  正說着,旦旦爸爸端出了洞庭湖的大鲤鱼:“快别聊了,先让客人喝鱼汤吧。”
贾尼·罗大里(Gianni Rodari),1920年生于意大利北部小城奥梅尼亚。他曾做过小学教师,后来又长期从事新闻记者工作。他的文字功底深厚,又深谙儿童心理,非常喜欢且善于给孩子们讲故事,凭着这份才华与热情,他逐渐走上了儿童文学的创作之路。  1970年罗大里被授予国际安徒生奖,这是世界儿童文学领域内的最高奖项。  罗大里一生大约创作、出版了三十多部优秀的作品,如《洋葱头历险记》《假话国历险记
译/李重民  “呀!那道光是什么?”  “不会是流星吧?”  “流星有那么尖吗?你看,还有翅膀。”  “是宇宙飞船。肯定是宇宙飞船。”  人们仰望着夜空吵吵嚷嚷地猜测着。  “是在往下降落,速度那么快。”  “去看看吧。”  拽着蓝白色尾光的物体眼看着越变越大,最后降落在镇子尽头的树林里。镇子里一片哗然,人们喧闹着争先恐后地跑向树林。  那东西简直就像一个大得可怕的岛屿,有尖削的三角形翅膀,甚至还
那时候,小青蛙还太小,老青蛙还不老,他们主要在青草池塘附近生活,那里的水草非常丰美。  小青蛙和老青蛙是一场大雨过后认识的。当时,小青蛙屁股后面的尾巴还没有丢,青草池塘四周全是青草和新泥的香味。从那天开始他俩就不分开了。  Once upon a time, Little Frog was young and small, while Old Frog was not too old. Most
过一会儿,爷爷就要把孙子送进小学校的大门了。现在,他们走在通往学校的小路上。  九月的头一天是个挺好的日子,阳光清亮透明,风也凉爽,因为晚上下过一场雨,路面还湿漉漉的,但已不泥泞,个别低洼处积着雨水,偶尔低头一看,能看见天上的一两朵白云映浮在里面。头顶上不时有鸟掠过,“喳”的一声,飞到了玉米地里,落在玉米穗吐出的缨子上。缨子有粉红色的,米黄色的,奶油色的,吊在鲜绿的玉米秆中间,很是光彩夺目。  学