
来源 :冶金政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iloveyanqing
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社会主义市场经济呼唤着职业道德.随着经济体制改革的深化,在一些冶金企业中,职业道德建设真正作为一项自觉的行动已经展开,并取得了明显成效.但总的看,发展还很不平衡,还有相当多的职工在工作中疲塌散漫,业务上不精益求精,服务态度冷淡,对浪费现象漠不关心等.这些问题的存在,影响着工作、生产效率和企业效益的进一步提高,也是各种安全事故屡屡发生的重要原因之一.造成这种状况,原因是多方面的.从外部条件讲,主要是社会上腐败现象和不正之风的蔓延与渗透.践踏了职工的职业道德情感,侵蚀、涣散了职工的职业荣誉与职业纪律;从我们的工作本身来讲,则主要是对职业道德形成的规律认识不够,工作不得其法,导致效果不佳.这里,主要就职业道德形成的规律加以初步探讨,以便循序渐进地做好工作,求得实效. Socialist market economy calls for professional ethics.With the deepening of the reform of the economic system, in some metallurgical enterprises, professional ethics has really started as a conscious action and achieved remarkable results. However, in general, the development is still very much Imbalance, there are still a lot of workers in the job fatigue sluggish, business excellence, indifferent service attitude, the phenomenon of indifference to waste etc .. The existence of these problems, affecting the work, production efficiency and business efficiency to further improve, but also One of the important reasons for the frequent occurrence of security incidents.This situation is caused by many factors.From external conditions, it is mainly the spread and infiltration of corrupt phenomena and unhealthy tendencies in society.Trampling on the professional ethics and emotions of employees, Erode and disperse the professional honors and professional disciplines of the workers; from our own work, we mainly do not have enough understanding of the laws governing the formation of professional ethics and can not work well, resulting in ineffectiveness. Here, we mainly deal with the formation of professional ethics The law to be initially discussed in order to do a good job gradually and achieve real results.
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目前国内文献对单卵双胎姊妹同患癫痫的临床报道较少,我院小儿神经专科随访中发现一对单卵双胎 姊妹均出现强直~阵挛型癫痫发作现分析报告如下: 1 一般资料: 1.1 临床发作形
哈哈,这期杂志真精彩!  要是每天都出一期就好了。  现在我们做什么呢?  我们来跟小米开个玩笑吧!  我来制造黑灯事件!  按第1下,灯不亮
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1945年5月17日,苏北根据地盐阜区召开了首次少年儿童代表大会。大会盛况空前,整整开了半个月。这样的会在华中八个根据地从来没有开过,可以说是华中的头一炮。 On May 17, 1
先来看看2007年高考中出现的一些“问题作文”片断。  例1.我能?你就牛B吧!移动不是什么好东西,联通也不是什么好东西,你看看他们的恶心伎俩吧—— 中国联通聘请82岁新婚的杨振宁教授为新形象代言人,宣传口号是:“我还能!”中国移动为了反击,立即请杨振宁的夫人翁帆为新形象代言人,宣传口号:“你不能,我能叫你能!”(辽宁卷:我能)  例2.看妈妈为什么要提篮春光呢?为什么不提脑白金、黄金搭档呢?(安