避免错误 浓缩信息——例谈如何做问答型阅读理解题

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问答型阅读理解是介于阅读理解和书面表达之间的一种题型,是两者的综合体,既考查学生的阅读能力又考查学生的书面表达能力。对于阅读表达这种特殊题型,同学们应具备阅读信息材料、收集整理直接与间接信息、科学表达信息的能力以及灵活运用语言的能力,还要具备归纳概括、转述、转译句子的能力。易错原因一、伤失斗志,胡乱答题语言基本功较弱的同学,一旦遇到主观题,毫无斗志,随便乱答。实际上,有些细节题容易 Question and answer reading comprehension is a type of question between reading comprehension and written expression. It is a combination of the two. It not only examines students ’reading ability but also examines students’ written expression ability. For reading and expressing such special questions, students should have the ability to read information materials, collect direct and indirect information, scientifically express information and make flexible use of language, and also have the ability to summarize, convey and translate sentences. Error-prone reasons First, the loss of morale, indiscriminate answer Basic weak language students, once encountered subjective questions, no fighting spirit, arbitrary chaos. In fact, some details are easy
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胡雪岩是清代著名的红顶商人,他的一生经历了无数的挫折与险阻,但每次都被他用聪明智慧化解了。  有一年,胡雪岩从浙江跑到福州开设钱庄,因为没有“孝敬”当地的商会,结果惹恼了商会会长卢俊辉。这卢俊辉是福州的钱庄大户,他所经营的元昌盛是当地最大的钱庄。卢俊辉决定把胡雪岩从福州铲除出去,一来算是给胡雪岩的惩罚,二来也是为了保障自己钱庄在福州的地位。卢俊辉想出了各种歪点子,搞得胡雪岩的阜康钱庄不得安宁。他还
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