
来源 :自动化学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haohaojc
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This paper investigates the distributed fusion Kalman filtering over clustering sensor networks. The sensor network is partitioned as clusters by the nearest neighbor rule and each cluster consists of sensing nodes and cluster-head. Using the minimax robust estimation principle, based on the worst-case conservative system with the conservative upper bounds of noise variances, twolevel robust measurement fusion Kalman filter is presented for the clustering sensor network systems with uncertain noise variances.It can significantly reduce the communication load and save energy when the number of sensors is very large. A Lyapunov equation approach for the robustness analysis is presented, by which the robustness of the local and fused Kalman filters is proved. The concept of the robust accuracy is presented, and the robust accuracy relations among the local and fused robust Kalman filters are proved. It is proved that the robust accuracy of the two-level weighted measurement fuser is equal to that of the global centralized robust fuser and is higher than those of each local robust filter and each local weighted measurement fuser. A simulation example shows the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed results. The paper investigates the distributed fusion Kalman filtering over clustering sensor networks. The sensor network is partitioned as clusters by the nearest neighbor rule and each cluster consists of sensing nodes and cluster-head. Using the minimax robust estimation principle, based on the worst-case conservative system with the conservative upper bounds of noise variances, twolevel robust measurement fusion Kalman filter is presented for the clustering sensor network systems with uncertain noise variances. It can significantly reduce the communication load and save energy when the number of sensors is very large. A The concept of the robust accuracy is presented, and the robust accuracy relations among the local and fused robust Kalman filters are proved. It is proved that the robust accuracy of the two-level weighted measurement fuser is equal to that of the global centralized robust fuser and is higher than those of each local robust filter and each local weighted measurement fuser. A simulation example shows the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed results.
介绍了一款应用于无线收发系统的12 bit 200 MS/s的A/D转换器(ADC)。流水线型模数转换器是从中频采样到高频采样并且具有高精度的典型结构,多个流水线型模数转换器利用时间交
[摘 要] 案例教学在现实药理学教学中的应用越来越广泛,其教学效果也得到了越来越多教师的肯定。探讨了案例教学的优势及对高职药理教学的指导性意义,为药理学的教学提供更多的方式方法。  [关 键 词] 案例教学法;高职教学;药理学  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2016)34-0102-01  药理学是药学四大基础学科之一,但是由于其机理原理较多,学
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