
来源 :中国病理生理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yt2099
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ECV304 was reported first in 1990 as a spont aneously-transformed and immortalized cell line derived from a Japanese HUVEC. S ubsequently, many studies validated that the ECV304 is a permanent endothelial cell line. It has been used widely as an endothelial cell model and an useful re search tool in biomedicine and pharmacology. However, several distinct differenc es exist between ECV304 and HUVEC. Some studies even pointed out that ECV304 is not of HUVEC origin. According to the research data including ours, this reporte dly endothelial-derived permanent human cell line ECV304 may be dedifferentiated towards an epithelial phenotype. It is therefore not an appropriate cell line t o study endothelial cell biology. But cultured ECV304 cells can still be used as a model, tool or target in the pathophysiological and pharmacological studies, depending on whether or not their functional expression or markers are suitable for the research work. ECV304 was reported first in 1990 as a spont anently transformed and immortalized cell line derived from a Japanese HUVEC. Sudoku, many studies validated that the ECV304 is a permanent endothelial cell line. It has been used as an endothelial cell model and an However, several distinct differences are found between ECV304 and HUVEC. Some studies are even pointed out that ECV304 is not of HUVEC origin. According to the research data including ours, this reporte dly endothelial-derived permanent human cell line ECV304 may be dedifferentiated toward an epithelial phenotype. It is therefore not an appropriate cell line to study endothelial cell biology. But cultured ECV304 cells can still be used as a model, tool or target in the pathophysiology and pharmacological studies, depending on whether or not their functional expression or markers are suitable for the research work.
目的 :观察大鼠神经干细胞的体外生长特性。方法 :利用无血清培养基悬浮培养 ,观察神经干细胞的体外生长过程。并比较不同接种密度 ,不同传代时间对神经干细胞生长的影响。用
人感染血吸虫时受很多因素的影响 ,如何时接触疫水、接触时间的长短以及机体的免疫状况等 ,但最主要的影响因素是尾蚴密度。因此 ,尾蚴的逸出方式在很大程度上决定了一天之中
瞧,老屋墙头上的狗尾巴草又开始诉颂老屋的旧故事了。  檐头的风儿依旧,屋旁的梧桐如昨,连枝头的鸟儿还在重复着以往的歌谣。只是我可爱的老屋,我那日思夜想的老屋却被流光压弯了背脊,折皱了眼角,涂白了发丝……  立于老屋的门前,风儿撩弄我的发丝,轻吻那沾满岁月尘埃的木门,我猛吸一口气,伸出颤颤微微的双手抚摸那贴于木门上的被岁月洗得发白的春联。一阵刺痛狠狠戳扎着我的心。  我迟疑着,祈盼着,恐惧着,终于还