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  年轻一代观众对皮博迪先生和小男孩谢尔曼应该没多少印象,它们是上世纪五六十年代电视动画《波波鹿与飞天鼠》(The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show)里的角色,而《穿越大冒险》(又译《眼镜狗和眼镜男孩》)正是根据这些角色改编而来的。眼镜狗皮博迪先生收养了男孩谢尔曼,他们和谢尔曼的朋友佩妮一起乘坐时间机器“WABAC”穿越时空,经历了多次冒险。
  不管你对原作是否了解,光看看这两个戴眼镜的活宝,就足以博得你一笑了,对吧? Mr. Peabody, the most accomplished[有成就的] dog in the world, and his troublesome boy Sherman, use their time machine—the WABAC (pronounced “way back”)—to go on the craziest adventures known to man or dog. But when Sherman takes the WABAC out for a joyride[驾车游玩] to impress his friend Penny, they accidentally rip[撕裂] a hole in the universe, messing up[搞糟] some of the most important events in world history. Before they forever alter[改变] the past, present and future, Mr. Peabody must come to their rescue, ultimately[最后] facing the toughest challenge of any era[时代]: figuring out how to be a parent. Together, the time traveling trio[三个一组] make their mark on history.
  世界上最有成就的狗——皮博迪先生和他的调皮小男孩谢尔曼利用他们的时光机WABAC(发音为“way back”)展开了一场人类史上(也是狗类史上)最离奇的冒险。谢尔曼拿出WABAC时光机向朋友佩妮炫耀,带她去兜风,却意外地在宇宙中撕开了一个洞口,破坏了世界史上最重要的几个事件。在令过去、现在和未来永远改变之前,皮博迪先生必须前去营救他们,而最终他要面临任何时代最艰巨的挑战:学会如何为人父母。这个时间旅行三人组将一起在历史上留下他们的印记。
  Snea k Peek 先睹为快
  The Time-Traveling Team Is Back 时间旅行小队回来了
  Mr. Peabody is a genius dog, and Sherman is his adopted[被收养的] son. Even the WABAC time-travel machine is back, but modernized[使现代化] for a new generation.
  A Dog and His Scooter[小摩托车] 一只狗和他的小摩托车
  One big update from the original[原作]—Mr. Peabody drives a scooter with a sidecar[边车,侧车]. Director Rob Minkoff says the discussion of the right vehicle[交通工具] for the talking dog was a long one. “This scooter just sort of fit his personality.”
  Meet Penny 佩妮登场
  Sherman uses the WABAC machine to travel back in time and learn about history firsthand[第一手地]. And it works for the girls, too, including classmate Penny Peterson. Here, Sherman takes her for a spin[兜圈] on Leonardo da Vinci’s flying machine.
  Temple Run 神庙大逃亡
  The adventure begins when Penny decides she likes ancient Egypt so much that she’s going to stay forever. This is a big no-no for time travel. “The prospect[可能性,前景] of altering history is something they have to worry about,”Minkoff says. That forces Mr. Peabody to save the day[挽救局面].
  Three of a Kind 三人行
  Minkoff is confident that even a generation that has never heard of the original will love the 3-D screen version. “I pitch[推销] it to kids who don’t know the characters, and when they hear that Mr. Peabody is a dog that adopts a boy, it just sort of blows their mind[(使)兴奋惊奇],” he says. “They love it.”
Until the age of five, I was blissfully[幸福地] unaware of how my looks—or lack of them—would affect my life. Of course, starting school changed all that and brought with it the dawning[开始] realisation t
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艾玛·沃特森曾说过,如果不当演员,她会去当一名化妆师,其时尚品位可见一斑。在结束了《哈利·波特》系列电影的拍摄后,她剪去了陪伴多年的长发,以全新的姿态出现,着实令人眼前一亮,并轻松拿到奢侈品牌的代言。当然,她也没有忘记自己演员的身份,接连出演了《我与梦露的一周》、《壁花少年》、《珠光宝气》等电影。我们深信,这位美貌与智慧并存的新生代女星将继续展示自己的英伦酷劲儿!  One thing about
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(sound of humpback whale)  You’re listening to a humpback whale[座头鲸] talking. Though we don’t quite know what he’s saying, we do know that it’s important for whales and other sea creatures to be able
STEP 1 先脱离文字听一遍,总结研究人员得出的成果,然后简要回答以下问题:蘑菇的繁衍需要散播什么?研究人员发现,在没有风的情况下,蘑菇的孢子会怎样?蘑菇是怎样制造微风的?  STEP 2 现在听第二遍,对照文字检查刚刚的回答是否正确。  Mushrooms must scatter[散播] their spores[孢子] to make little mushrooms. And we’ve