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  Until the age of five, I was blissfully[幸福地] unaware of how my looks—or lack of them—would affect my life. Of course, starting school changed all that and brought with it the dawning[开始] realisation that I wasn’t pretty like a lot of the other girls in my class.
  I’d been born with a birthmark[胎记] rendering[致使] me blind in my right eye and while that had been surgically[如外科手术般地] removed, it still took years for my eye to open properly (I still have a squint[斜眼]). And as if this wasn’t enough, my front teeth were prominent[突出的] and crooked[歪的], which immediately earned me the nickname Bugs Bunny注1. It’s a wonder my mother hadn’t shoved[乱塞] me at the midwife[助产士] and done a runner.
  Thirty-five years on, not that much has changed. I may have learned not to care so deeply, but I can see—out of one eye at least—how having a face that is“different” (which is just another word for ugly) has held me back in many areas of my life.
  I may not have been endowed with[被赋予] the looks of a young Brigitte Bardot注2, but at least I am not stupid. And it’s been clear to me for years that being plain[相貌平平的] is one of life’s unspoken handicaps[障碍].
  Having gorgeous[华丽的] parents didn’t help. My father was a model in the Sixties, posing in a sheepskin coat to advertise a well-known cigarette brand. My mother, with her violet[紫罗兰色的] blue eyes and thick dark hair, looked like a cross[混合体] between a young Elizabeth Taylor注3 and Vivien Leigh注4.
  I’ll never forget having lunch at the home of my eccentric[古怪的] great aunt when she put down her fork, appraised[评估] me across the table and said: “Well, you clearly haven’t inherited[继承] your mother’s looks. I hope, for your sake, you’ve got a strong personality.”
  I felt crushed, of course. I sensed, even at that age, that being pretty gave you advantages I didn’t have. Friends, for a start.
  Schoolgirls can be horribly cruel and will seek out weaknesses in others—no matter how shallow[肤浅的]—to gain control in the playground. Needless to say, the ones with long blonde hair and straight teeth were the most popular, ruthlessly[无情地] excluding the geeky[令人讨厌的] girls like me.
  Later, I headed off to university hoping to snog[吻] any boy who would oblige[施恩惠于] in the dark recesses[深处] of the student bar. In fact, the only guys even vaguely[模糊地] interested in talking to me were bespectacled[戴眼镜的] chemistry undergrads[本科生] or gay.   After a year, feeling out of place and lonely, I dropped out and joined a local newspaper as a trainee[实习生]. It was there that I had my first serious romance, but not with a fellow trainee or reporter. At the age of 19, I moved in with a 43-year-old divorced farmer—and his cow, Gertrude. He ended up chucking[丢弃] all my stuff in the mud outside his front door. I moved to London to embark on[从事] a career as a journalist.
  It was there, just a year later, that I met my husband, Keith, on a trade publication. He was in the sales department, had a motorbike and a glamorous[迷人的] past living in Paris. He was such a normal looking 20-something guy that I had to keep checking he was interested in me and not the blonde girl with big boobs[胸脯] sitting at the desk behind me.
  But, indeed, he was, and for the first time in my life I felt attractive—because he made me feel that way. He told me repeatedly how he loved the way I looked—and still does. It has taken me 18 years and four children to believe him, and even now I think he just must be one of those rare men who are more interested in inner beauty.
  I’ve finally learned to accept that I am not—and never will be—a “looker[美人]”. But this is fine. I am what I am and nothing—apart from a fortune spent on plastic surgery[整形手术]—is going to change this for me.
  But when I see how doors open, literally[字面上的] and metaphorically[隐喻地], for friends who are less facially challenged, I feel like that five-year-old in the playground all over again, burning with indignation[愤怒] that the other girls won’t let me play with them because I have buck teeth[龅牙] and short brown hair.
  I recently went on holiday with an old school friend to celebrate our joint[共同的] 40th birthdays. She is single, blonde and very attractive. Throughout our trip, men were holding doors open for her (and then letting them swing in my face); carrying her bag, but ignoring mine; and falling over themselves[特别卖力做(某事)] to buy her drinks and apply her sun lotion[防晒霜].
  I have to admit I felt enraged[触怒] at being invisible[看不见的] and blatantly[公然地] ignored. It’s a harsh fact of life, but at least I won’t have to go through the agony[痛苦] of losing my looks because they were never there in the first place.
  Research shows that others see you as 20% more attractive than you think you are. That’s because, when you look in the mirror, you’re simply judging yourself on looks. All you can see is your reflection—but none of the personality.   “There’s so much more to beauty than looks alone,” says Dr. Luftman. “A great figure, shiny hair and lovely skin may turn heads and get you noticed, but beauty is also about the way you move, speak and express yourself. It’s about good health, warmth, spontaneity[自然举动] and charisma[魅力].” This is probably just another way of saying that if, like me, you’ve pulled the short straw[命运不幸者] in the pretty stakes[风险], you should work on your personality.
  As upsetting as coming to terms with my looks has been, I have learned there are a few advantages.
  One of the first jobs I got, straight out of Journalism College, was as PA注5 to Bob Wheaton, the editor of BBC Breakfast News and, at the time, Jill Dando’s partner. While I congratulated myself on landing a role hundreds of other people had gone for and secretly put it down to my killer news instinct and honed[磨砺] research skills, someone in the newsroom one day dropped the bombshell[炸弹] that Jill paid close attention to Bob’s female editorial assistants—and as far as she was concerned, the less attractive they were the better.
  Other good points? I don’t have conversations with the tops of men’s heads as they drool at[流口水] my chest and, needless to say, I’ve never had to suffer the indignity[侮辱] of being dismissed[解职] as “just a pretty face”.
  On the contrary[相反], people usually take me seriously and assume a level of intelligence because you’d have to be really unlucky to look like me and not have something else going for you.
  Though I feel incredibly lucky in countless ways—my husband doesn’t wince[退缩] when he looks at me and my children tell me I’m pretty (clearly an attempt to procure[获得] chocolate)—I do sometimes wish I knew how it felt to have a face that could launch a thousand ships or, at the very least, inspire the postman to wink at me in the morning.
  After all, deep down, isn’t being pretty what every woman secretly wants to be?
  过了一年,我感到格格不入,十分孤独,就辍学加入了当地一家报社当实习生。在那里,我有了第一次真正的爱情,但并不是和报社的实习生或记者。   那年我19岁,和一个43岁的离异农民同居——还有他的奶牛,格特鲁德。他最后还是把我所有的东西扔到了他前门外的泥泞中。我搬到伦敦,走上了记者的职业之路。
Have you seen Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs注, the adorable[惹人爱的] 2009 animated film? Of course you have. Not having seen it would be a shame. Seriously.  Imagine, if you will, that the lords of ci
在日本,电视动画一般分为四个档期,在每年的一、四、七、十月集中推出新番。其中又以四月和十月最为重要,很多热门大作都会在这两季播出,抢人气拼销量,真是好不热闹。今年的十月档期即将开锣——可以预见的是,这个秋天一定会更加热闹,因为去年那部让万千少女为之疯狂的篮球动画终于回来啦!  Sports anime has a way of entertaining[使人快乐] even the most no
我们总会在因缘际会间被某首歌击中,或许因为一段忧伤的曲调,或许因为一句抚慰内心的歌词,又或者因为歌者独特的声线,我们痴迷其中,念念不忘,苦心寻找,然后无限循环。所谓听歌,有时候听的就是一种感觉。而感觉的传递,自有奥妙,我们无从得知,自己会在哪个时刻被怎样的歌曲打动。在“Oh lover”传入我耳朵的那一刻,我就被打动了。简单的木吉他,慵懒的男女声二重唱,带着淡淡的情感波动,瞬间就让人心绪宁静。歌曲
Ghosts and hauntings[萦绕心头的东西]. Mysterious[神秘的] disappearances and murderous[杀人的] daughters. Whether it’s Halloween or not, most of us enjoy a good, clean scare. What happens, though, if the hauntings
Pacific Rim is about big things: big robots, big monsters, big earthshaking battles[战役]. So it seems fitting that the film—the first major summer blockbuster[大片] from Guillermo del Toro(Hellboy, Pan’s
我曾面对数以千计的挫折  跌倒时我依然活着  不是吗?不是吗?  水深得难以呼吸  不需游泳,我学会飞翔  飞得很高,很高  *你在孩子的眼里找到真相  当天空是唯一的界限  作为活生生的例子,我在你身上看到自己***四方墙壁开始围堵  你的心被冰封起来  向他们展现你的真本色吧  阳光渐逝  世界仍会等待着你  向他们展现你的真本色吧**  脱下手套,准备战斗  像狮子一样,我会活下去会吗?会吗
Waiting for our departure[离开], something in the sunlight caught my eyes. A moving something. A small moving something. Could it really be? A butterfly had landed on the floor mat[草席] inside the house.
Some people wake up, scared of living the dream  They’ll settle for[勉强接受] anything  Some wanna live an airbrushed[用喷枪上色] world  Like the cover of a magazine  But I believe in thunderbolts[闪电] and butt
I think we all need a pep talk[激励的话].  The world needs you to stop being boring. Yeah, YOU! Boring is easy. Everybody can be boring but you’re “gooder注1” than that. Life is not a game, people. Life is
For my dad’s 60th birthday last week, I wanted to do something really fun. My dad and I talk a lot about the past—nostalgia[怀旧] runs in our blood, I think—and we both love to reminisce[追忆]. Inspired b