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緒 言鋼鉄中少量磷、硅的比色分析,一般都用灵敏度較高的鉬藍反应分別进行測定。由于磷、硅鉬藍反应的共同性,在測定单一成分时必須攷虑它們的相互干扰。关于消除磷、硅的干扰,在文献中有几种方法:有的利用有机溶剂分別提取;有的利用掩蔽法将妨碍元素掩蔽起来;一般是利用磷鉬酸、硅鉬酸反应时溶液酸度作差別。后法不但操作簡单,而且不用較貴的有机溶剂,所以应用此較广泛。但此法要求严格地控制酸度,确保另一方干扰的消除,不然就会得出不正确的結果,这是該方法的缺点。为了消除此缺点,曾对用控制溶液酸度进行測定磷与硅的方法作些实驗,感到利用磷、硅絡酸反应时溶液酸度差別的方法不甚滿意,因为它們的酸度差别不太显 Introduction Steel 鉄 a small amount of phosphorus, silicon colorimetric analysis, are generally higher sensitivity of molybdenum blue reaction were measured. Due to the commonality of phosphomolybdic and molybdosilicate reactions, their mutual interference must be considered in the determination of single components. On the elimination of phosphorus and silicon interference, there are several ways in the literature: Some use of organic solvents were extracted; Some use of masking method will hinder the elements masking them; Generally, the use of phosphomolybdic acid, silicomolybdic acid solution acidity difference. After the method is not only easy to operate, but do not have more expensive organic solvents, so the application of this more extensive. However, this method requires strict control of acidity to ensure the elimination of interference from the other party, or an incorrect result may be drawn, which is a disadvantage of the method. In order to eliminate this shortcoming, some experiments were made on the determination of phosphorus and silicon by controlling the acidity of the solution. It was felt unsatisfactory that the difference in acidity of the solution when using phosphorus and silicon acid was unsatisfactory because their acidity difference was not so significant
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