
来源 :计算机应用研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:n0131
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仿射投影算法(APA)重复利用数据,可提高算法的收敛速度。针对现有盲源分离(BSS)收敛慢问题,以BSS的独立分量分析(ICA)为基础,结合APA思想,设计出BSS的APA-ME、APA-MMI、APA-EASI新算法。在这些新算法中,输出向量数据被重复利用,向量式数据转变成矩阵式数据,从而加快了BSS的收敛速度。仿真结果表明,APA-ICA类的BSS算法是有效的。 Affine projection algorithm (APA) to reuse data, can improve the convergence rate of the algorithm. Aiming at the slow convergence problem of existing BSS, this paper designs a new APA-ME, APA-MMI and APA-EASI algorithm for BSS based on Independent Component Analysis (ICA) of BSS and APA. In these new algorithms, the output vector data is reused, and the vector data is transformed into matrix data, thus speeding up the convergence of BSS. Simulation results show that APS-ICA BSS algorithm is effective.
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