
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xcswzq
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PURPOSE: To describe the ocular features of a patient with an interstitial deletion of chromosome 12 and to determine the molecular boundaries of the deletion. DESIGN: Observational case report and laboratory investigation. METHODS: A patient with an interstitial deletion of chromosome 12 was clinically examined for ocular abnormalities. DNA samples were used for molecular studies to define the deletion boundaries. RESULTS: Ocular examination showed abnormalities of the anterior segment consistent with a diagnosis of cornea plana. Molecular analyses showed the deletion included the KERA gene,the SLRP (small leucine repeat protein) gene cluster,the genetic loci for autosomal-dominant (CNA1) and autosomalrecessive (CNA2) cornea plana,and a portion of the mapped locus for high myopia (MYP3). CONCLUSIONS: These results,combined with previous genetic linkage studies,identifies a 3-cM region located between microsatellite markers D12S82 and D12S351 that is likely to contain a gene responsible for CNA1. METHODS: A patient with an interstitial deletion of chromosome 12 was clinically examined. PURPOSE: To describe the ocular features of a patient with an interstitial deletion of chromosome 12 and determine the molecular boundaries of the deletion. for ocular abnormalities of the anterior segment consistent with a diagnosis of cornea plana. Molecular analyzes were the screening of the KERA gene, the SLRP (small leucine repeat protein) gene cluster, the genetic loci for autosomal-dominant (CNA1) and autosomal recessive (CNA2) cornea plana, and a portion of the mapped locus for high myopia (MYP3). CONCLUSIONS: These results, combined with previous genetic linkage studies, identifies a 3-cM region located between microsatellite markers D12S82 and D12S351 that is likely to contain a gene responsibl e for CNA1.
(一) 我省位于亚热带东部,由于季风气候长期润育,形成高温多雨的优越水热条件,这里森林植物资源丰富,乔灌木树种达2000余种,是全国林业生产重点省之一,不仅盛产木材,而且盛
灾难来临,我们众志成城,团结一心  汇爱成川,重建美好家园。    2008年5月12日14时28分,四川省发生里氏8级强烈地震,全国大半地区有明显震感,震中位于阿坝州汶川县,地震造成了严重的生命和财产损失。  灾区的一切牵动着我们和广大艺术家的心。从2008年5月13日起全国各省市艺术家面对受难的四川各族同胞,迅速行动起来,伸出援助之手,挥动豪情之笔,用艺术为灾区人民奉献自己的爱心,尽我们的努力
【摘要】随着科技进步的步伐不断加快以及对各种信息的需求量越来越大,人们渐渐也开始在初中的英语教学中引进了多媒体教学方式。多媒体在英语教学中存在着一些优点也存在一些不足,笔者做了一定分析。  【关键字】初中英语教学 多媒体教学 优势 不足  我们都知道多媒体教学是一种新型的教学方式,主要就是用计算机代替黑板向学生们呈现一个更为生动具体的画面。这种新型的教学方式将英语和现代化的设施结合在一起,可以让学
这个事实贯穿于整个个人电脑的发展史。现在,同样的情形又在数据中心领域重演——在数据中心英特尔处理器 This fact runs through the entire history of personal comput