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人们常说,改革开放带来了竞争的压力,也带来了发展的机缘。回顾上海医药行业这二十年的历程,是对这句话最好的注释。 ●从“小不点”到支柱产业 1979年,上海医药工业总产值仅为15.7亿元,在全市工业系统中排名是最后一位,是名符其实的“小不点”。随着改革开放的深化,计划经济向市场经济的转轨,上海医药工业面临进口药和兄弟省市药品的冲击,呈现原有市场份额日趋萎缩的态势。但上海医药行业顶住了市场竞争的巨大压力,抓住了这千载难逢的机缘,实现了连续、快速、健康的发展,到1998年,上海医药工业年总产值已达到127.2亿元,与1979年相比增长8.1倍。提高了在全市工业系统中的地位,1993年被上海市政府 It is often said that the reform and opening up have brought about the pressure of competition and brought about opportunities for development. A review of the 20-year history of the Shanghai pharmaceutical industry is the best illustration of this sentence. ● From “small” to pillar industries In 1979, the total output value of the Shanghai pharmaceutical industry was only 1.57 billion yuan, ranking last in the city’s industrial system, and it was a truly “little point”. With the deepening of reform and opening up, and the shift from planned economy to market economy, Shanghai’s pharmaceutical industry is facing the impact of imported medicines and pharmaceuticals from brother provinces and cities, presenting a trend of shrinking original market share. However, the Shanghai pharmaceutical industry resisted the tremendous pressure of market competition and seized this golden opportunity to achieve continuous, rapid, and healthy development. By 1998, the total output value of the Shanghai pharmaceutical industry had reached 12.72 billion yuan, compared with 1979. This is an increase of 8.1 times. Improve the status of the city’s industrial system, in 1993 by the Shanghai Municipal Government
原始林停砍,过熟和成熟林限伐,将使林区木材加工企业面临原料供应危机,适用于生产各类装潢用人造板的原木(装潢制板用材)的供求关系也将受其影响并最终受到冲击。 从需求角
一、违反工程招标投标管理规定的行为 1.按照规定应该招标的工程不招标 根据建设部《关于进一步加强工程招标投标管理的规定》,凡政府投资(包括政府参股投资和政府提供保证
北京市建材制品总J一系列涂料价目表品种编号品名元/kg规格参考用量出厂价零售价印铁桶塑料桶纺织袋mZ/kg元/mZ内墙系歹一JM一952高级内用丝面漆25286一64 .2JM一952高级内用