Heterogeneous Features of Temporal and Spatial Variation of Earthquake Occurrence in Process of Eart

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a247114340
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By applying the GL-value, a parameter describing the heterogeneities in temporal and spatial distribution of moderate and small earthquakes prior to strong earthquakes, the following problems have been studied in the present paper: a systematic investigations have been made on the features of spatial distribution and temporal variation of the high value anomalies ( GL ≥ 1.0) prior to 28 moderately strong earthquakes with Ms≥5.0 in the North China region; a systematic study has been made on the reasonability of the lower limit of magnitude, the time window and the space window for calculations at various seismicity levels in this region; the parameters taken in the calculation have been optimized and modified; the anomalous variations of GL-value prior to various moderately strong earthquakes in North China region have been investigated and followed, using the total time-space scanning method. The results of the study have shown that for 82 % of the moderately strong earthquakes in the North China regio By applying the GL-value, a parameter describing the heterogeneities in temporal and spatial distribution of moderate and small earthquakes prior to strong earthquakes, the following problems have been studied in the present paper: a systematic investigations have been made on the features of spatial distribution and temporal variation of the high value anomalies (GL ≥ 1.0) prior to 28 moderately strong earthquakes with Ms ≥ 5.0 in the North China region; a systematic study has been made on the reasonability of the lower limit of magnitude, the time window and the space window for calculations at various seismicity levels in this region; the parameters taken in the calculation have been optimized and modified; the anomalous variations of GL-value prior to various moderately strong earthquakes in North China region have been investigated and followed, using the total time-space scanning method. The results of the study have shown that for 82% of the moderately strong earthquakes in the North China regio
问题1点A(3,2),F为抛物线y~3=2x的焦点,点P在抛物线上移动,求|PA|+ |PF|的最小值,并求此时P点的坐标. Problem 1 point A(3,2), F is the focus of parabola y~3=2x, point P
青羊宫、文化公园原为青羊宫,现分为青羊宫和文化公园两个旅游景点。 文化公园 文化公园位于成都市西的琴台路。公园大门雄伟壮观,庄严肃穆,左右石狮守卫,门前宽广敞亮
1995~1997年,我院采用翳风穴注射地西泮治疗面肌抽搐62例,疗效满意。1 临床资料1.1 一般情况 本组62例,男19例,女43例,平均年龄39.0±2.1岁。病程1年以下11例,1~2年16例,2~5