
来源 :山东省人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheep1230_yuzt1984
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SDPR-2016-0120006鲁司[2016]58号各市司法局:《山东省公证员年度考核办法》已经厅长办公会研究通过。现印发你们,请遵照执行。2016年6月13日山东省公证员年度考核办法第一章总则第一条为加强对公证员的监督、指导和管理,正确、客观评价工作业绩和综合素质,根据《中华人民共和国公证法》(以下简称《公证法》)和司法部《公证员执业管理办法》、《公证机构执业管理办法》,制定本办法。 SDPR-2016-0120006 Lu Si [2016] 58 Municipal Bureau of Justice of Municipalities: “Annual Assessment Measures of Notaries in Shandong Province” has been approved by the Office of the President. Now you are issued, please follow the implementation. June 13, 2016 Annual Assessment Method for Notaries in Shandong Province Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 In order to strengthen the supervision, guidance and management of notaries, correctly and objectively evaluate the performance and overall quality of work, according to the “Notary Law of the People’s Republic of China” (Hereinafter referred to as “Notarization Law”) and the Ministry of Justice “notary public management practices” and “notary bodies practice management approach” to develop these measures.
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2009年11月17日,在中国西部皮革鞋业纺织服装产业对接展览会期间,四川省皮革学会2009学术年会在成都新国际会展中心召开,主要是进行制革与皮化材料学术交流交流 November 17
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Aimed at designing the unpower aerocraft attitude control system in a simple and practical way, the guaranteed cost control is adopted. To eliminate the steady-