
来源 :中国农村金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:okanyo
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人才是最宝贵的资源,而要培养、吸引和用好人才,一个科学合理的考核激励机制是不可或缺的。改革工资分配制度,优化考核激励机制,是解决农信社用人问题的一大关键。本期我们选编了地处不同经济区域的农信社机构在薪酬制度改革方面的实践经验,希望能为广大农信社机构开启借鉴之窗。对于农信社系统来说,工资分配问题是现实中的一个大问题,而且极为错综复杂。我们期待各地农村中小金融机构继续关注这个话题,将自身探索的成功经验总结出来,本刊将择优予以刊载。 Talent is the most precious resource, but to cultivate, attract and make the best use of talents, a scientific and reasonable examination and incentive mechanism is indispensable. Reforming the wage distribution system and optimizing the examination and incentive mechanism are the keys to resolving the employment problem of rural credit cooperatives. In the current issue, we selected the rural credit cooperative agencies in different economic regions for their practical experience in the reform of the salary system, hoping to open a window of reference for the vast number of rural credit cooperative institutions. For the RCC system, the problem of wage distribution is a big problem in reality, and it is extremely complicated. We expect the rural small and medium financial institutions throughout the country to continue to pay attention to this topic and sum up the successful experiences they have explored, which will be selected by the journal.
糖尿病酮症酸中毒是儿童糖尿病患者常见的一种急性合并症。发病急、病情重、变化快,如不及时抢救往往导致死亡。即使在使用胰岛素治疗的情况下,自1950年以来,糖尿病 Diabet
Heat transfer experiments using various porous materials are performed to verify the possibility of extremely high heat flux removal (several dozens of MW/m2).
Heat transfer between gas-solid multiphase flow and tubes occurs in many industry processes, such as circulating fluidized bed process, pneumatic conveying proc
IBM日前宣布了能够支持22 nm制程的全套半导体光刻制造工艺解决方案,能够在继续使用当前光刻技术的前提下,满足今起直至2012年前后半导体工业对制程进化的工艺需求。IBM的新