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   这是一段对欧洲影响重大的历史,是亚欧较量中,亚强欧弱、实力悬殊的一个少有例子。本文能以西方人的角度,尽量持平地既不忘蒙古人对欧洲的征服和占领;也提到了由此带来的优缺点,实属难得。但我们仍能从作者在描写蒙古人一马平川、长驱直入欧洲时用的动词中,窥其主观色彩一斑:invade, impose, crush, conquer, destroy…… 骁勇好战的蒙古人以征服作为他们的通行证,一路之上,所向披靡;而在他们铁骑蹄下,又是多少人在为战争与和平付出代价呢?
  Western travelers and adventurers beginning with Marco Polo are justly celebrated as symbols of Europe’s desire to explore the world. Marco Polo’s book about China inspired Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Magellan and other great western explorers to set out on their voyages and to find China.
  But what about Chinese explorers? How did China discover the West?
  After the fall of the Tang Dynasty, the Song rose to replace them and rule China. They were highly cultured, they 1)cherished art and poetry. Their emperors instituted wise policies which increased 2)prosperity and earned the respect and affection of the people. They founded universities and oversaw the most dynamic period of technological innovation China has ever experienced. br>  

  But they were not warriors and they had to 3)bribe the Mongolians not to attack.
  The Mongols, under the leadership of Kublai Khan, the grandson of the great Genghis, finally invaded China and crushed the Song, whom they saw as weak and a feat, and they imposed a brutal 4)predatory peace on Central Asia, from China, Korea and Southeast Asia to the Middle East and the borders of Europe, they even tried twice to invade Japan. They conquered Russia, swept through Poland, into Germany, Hungary and the Balkans;they invaded Burma, Vietnam, and Cambodia; they conquered Persia, and totally destroyed the city of Baghdad; they would probably have destroyed Vienna had 5)succession 6)intrigues back home not caused them to call off their siege.

  Ironically Mongol control of all of Central Asia created a period of free and safe passage for merchants traveling along the Asian 7)routes from East to West; it was a period of safe travel known as the 8)Pax Mongolica.
  It was not only luxury goods which traveled over the Silk Road, ideas moved along with the trade goods. Buddhism had come to China over the Silk Road and when the route was 9)re-opened and protected by the Mongols, scientific ideas and technical inventions from China flowed into Europe.
  By the 14th century, without any real appreciation of their origin, the Europeans were using numerous Chinese inventions such as gunpowder, the compass, better 10)stern post 11)rutters on ships and better plows, just to name a few. These innovations and inventions that traveled along with silk to the West were the key 12)agents of social change in Europe.

  As was another 13)stowaway hidden away on the 14)caravans arriving in the West, 15)the Black Death. This disease which originated in Central Asia 16)decimated Europe; more than a third of the population died. This terrible 17)plague caused such a severe labor shortage in Europe that there was a real need to adopt these Chinese labor-saving technical inventions and innovations.
