Text of the Convention concerning Work in the Fishing Sector

来源 :中国海洋法学评论(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:allen75
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The General Conference of the Intemational Labour Organization,having been convened at Geneva by the Goving Body of the Intational Labour Office,and having met in its ninety-sixth session on 30 May 2007,and Recognizing that globalization has a profound impact on the fishing sector,and no-ting the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work,1998,and taking into consideration the fundamental rights to be found in the following Intational Labour Conventions:the Forced Labour Convention,1930 (No.29),the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to organise Convention,1948 (No.87),the Right to organise and Collective Bar-gaining Convention,1949 (No.98),the Equal Remuneration Convention,1951 (No.100),the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention,1957 (No.105),the Discrimination(Employment and Occupation)Convention,1958 (No.111),the Minimum Age Convention,1973 (No.138),and the Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention,1999 (No.182),and noting the relevant instruments of the Intational Labour Organization,in particular the Occupational Safety and Health Convention (No.155) and Recommendation (No.164),1981,and the Occupational Health Services Convention (No.161) and Recommendation (No.171),1985,and noting,in addition,the Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention,1952 (No.102),and considering that the provisions of Article 77 of that Convention should not be an obstacle to protection extended by Members to fishers under social security schemes,and recognizing that the Intational Labour Organization considers fishing as a hazardous occupation when compared to other occupations,and Noting also Article 1,paragraph 3,of the Seafarers Identity Documents Convention (Revised),2003 (No.185),and mindful of the core mandate of the organization,which is to promote decent conditions of work,and mindful of the need to protect and promote the rights of fishers in this regard,and recalling the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,1982,and taking into account the need to revise the following intational Conventions adopted by the Intational Labour Conference specifically concing the fishing sector,namely the Minimum Age (Fishermen)Convention,1959 (No.112),the Medical Examination (Fishermen) Convention,1959 (No.113),the Fishermens Articles of Agreement Convention,1959 (No.114),and the Accommodation of Crews (Fishermen) Convention,1966(No.126),to bring them up to date and to reach a greater number of the worlds fishers,particularly those working on board smaller vessels,and no-ting that the objective of this Convention is to ensure that fishers have decent conditions of work on board fishing vessels with regard to minimum requirements for work on board;conditions of service;accommodation and food;occupational safety and health protection;medical care and social security,and having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to work in the fishing sector,which is the fourth item on the agenda of the session,and having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an intational Convention;adopts this day of June of the year two thousand and seven the following Convention,which may be cited as the Work in Fishing Convention,2007.