Microblogging Reposting Mechanism: An Information Adoption Perspective

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccb332
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This study uses the Elaboration Likelihood Model(ELM)and social presence theory to examine the microblogging reposting mechanism.Subjective and objective data were collected from 216 respondents in a field experiment.The results indicate that information quality and source credibility of microblogging messages affect users’reposting intention by affecting their perceptions of the usefulness and enjoyment of the information.Perceived enjoyment has a greater impact on reposting intention than perceived usefulness.Furthermore,users are able to perceive social presence when interacting with microblogging messages.Social presence plays a full mediating role between information quality and perceived enjoyment,and a partial mediating role between information quality and perceived usefulness. This study uses the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) and social presence theory to examine the microblogging reposting mechanism. Objective and objective data were collected from 216 respondents in a field experiment. The results indicate that information quality and source credibility of microblogging messages affect users’ reposting intention by affecting their perceptions of the usefulness and enjoyment of the information. Perceived enjoyment has a greater impact on reposting intention than perceived usefulness. Future, users are able to perceive social presence when interacting with microblogging messages. Socialial plays plays a full mediating role between information quality and perceived enjoyment, and a partial mediating role between information quality and perceived usefulness.
[摘要]医院信息系统(Hospital Information System, HIS) 的开发与应用推动了医院管理的深刻变革,计算机网络技术和数据技术的不断发展,为医院管理的变革在更大范围、更深层次上进行提供了更高、更强的支持。然而,尽管医院信息系统在全国各级医院得到了大力推广,但它的积极作用、深刻意义还远远没有体现和发挥出来,有必要进行深入的分析。  [关键词]信息系统;微机室;技术路线;完善
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